yay procrastonation!

Dec 10, 2007 00:37

Name- margaret
Nicknames, including from family- m, margie(if anyone other than sarah calls me by this i will murder you.), margo(same goes...'cept sam.) crash, yeah, i think that's it....
Birthday- 1/17
Age- 22...for the next month
Astrological sign?- capicorn
Chinese zodiac sign?- ox
Location- morgantown
Sexual Preference- i'm a trysexual...i'll try anything once. (j/k i'm straight.)
Marital Status- engaged
Current Haircolor- brown. natural, never been colored.
Height- 5'10"
Parents still together?- Yeah
Siblings?- 2 1/2
Nieces/Nephews?- no
Kids of your own?-  no. much to john's mom's dissapointment. 
Grandkids?- No
Pets?- the awesome and always cute g-snaps.
In school/graduated?- WVU
Rent, lease, or own your home?- aren't rent and lease technically the same thing? yeah.
What do you do for work?- work... that's funny. i'm a bum. but i want to work for s.i. or any sports type publication
How much do you make?- 170.68 a week. i know i don't have a job... but i still get a paycheck..
Have any credit cards?- 2...one is mom and dad's for 'emergencies' one is mine for building credit.
AmEx?- no
What do you drive?- xtera, red. awesome. sadly not 4x4 as i was not moving to w.v. when ma and pa bought it.

Black/White- black
Red/Blue- blue
Dogs/Cats- cats or big dogs
Roses/Daisies- roses
Beer/Liquor- beer
Boxers/Briefs- boxers
Hair: Short/Long- long
Boots/Shoes- flipflops
Food: Mexican/Italian- italian...no mexican....no italian, i know! mexitalian
Dark/Light- Dark.
Day/Night- Night.
City/Country- country. god give me space. woods. open fields. tobacco fields, cotton fields, horse pastures.
Sheets- solid. currently white. which apparently means i'm in the kkk.
Sub/Dom- heh... sub.

Color- blue and red.
Animal- horses
Vehicle- xterra, always wanted one, finally got one for my 21st bday. 
Flower- calia lillies... i'm thinking boquet.
Beer- blue moon... or any hefawisen.
Liquor- tequila
Soda- gatorade.
Food- my aunts potato salad, steak, red meat!!! yum.
Book- The Potter series. Enders Game, so many others.
Author- see above.
Band- DMB
CD- changes with the day.
Song- two step, crush, the song that jane likes.
Movie- the matrix. memento, music and lyrics.
Director- don't pay that much attention
Country- england
State- sorry guys, but i gotta go w/ nc.
City- paris
School Subject- journalism.
Movie genre- action
Extracurricular Activity- apo. being a slacker.

Do you...
Color your hair?- no
Have tattoos?- not yet.
Piercings?- ears... never wear them tho
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend/both?-nope. fiance.
Floss daily?- no
Own a webcam?- nope
Ever get off the damn computer?- sometimes.
Sprechen Sie Deutcsh?- that's a negative
Hablar Espanol?- kinda.

Have you...
Gotten a speeding ticket?- Yes
How fast?- last one was 70 in a 55
DUI?- no
Been in a wreck?- i swear the tree jumped into the middle of the road.
Been arrested?- not yet.
Stolen a car?- no
Stolen anything?- yeah
Smoke?- no
Pot?- twice
Crack?- no.
Drink?- yes
Been so drunk you couldn't remember your name?- probably, but i remembered everyone elses.
Been so drunk you didn't care that you couldn't remember your name?- probably. throwing up in the middle of glenwood will do that.
Posed for nude pics?- no
Considered a life of crime?- i want to be a pirate.
Considered being a hooker?- no
Maybe a pimp?- sure
Cheated on someone?- no
Been married?- not yet. dec 20th 2008
Been divorced?- no

Are you psycho? (define psycho)
Split personalities?- probably
Schizophrenic?- no
Obsessive?- heh.. a bit.
Compulsive?- i prefer to think of it as spontanious.
Obsessive Compulsive?- maybe.
Panic?- heh... only when thinking about my mother and john's mother and the wedding.
Anxiety?- some
Depressed?- rarely anymore
Suicidal?- not so much
Homicidal?- often
Genocidal?- no
Pedophile? no
Obsessed with hate?- no
Mutilate animals?- no
Idolize infamous criminals?- no
Dream of mutilated bodies, blood, death, and gore?- no.
Dream of doing those things instead of just seeing them?- no, that would be my roommate, the crime scene major ;)

The good stuff...
Had sex outdoors?- does a yurt at a boyscout camp count?
erhm, there are other good things in life you know...

Right now...
What are you listening to?- food network
What are you watching?- see above
What time is it?- 1:04 am
What are you wearing?- heavenly hoodie, orange boxers! 
Wanna cyber?- what are we? 12?
Hey baby, nice shoes... - those are socks, idiot.
What're you drinking?- v8
Eating?- i had a cookie.
Got both hands on the keyboard?- home row baby.
Who are you talkin to?- no one.
What other windows do you have open?- post secret. aim.
How bored are you? i'm procrastonating. it's exam week, boredom is constant.

If you could...
Be anywhere, where would you be?- raleigh.
Who would you be with?- john.
What would you be doin?- harassing john.
well, that wasted some time... ooo... i know, sleep will waste even more.
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