002. ❄ video

Dec 23, 2010 17:54

[Iceland is in some room in some house. Perhaps the mansion, perhaps a hotel room.

He screeched when he saw and heard the ghost, and so when the SCF dropped and hit the floor, the second half of his shout could be heard, and a close-up of the wood floor could be seen. Iceland's shadow was vaguely visible on the floor in the dim light.]

"Wh..What? You're alright, aren't you? You look alright to me."

[He takes a step back, the sound loud in the SFC. His voice is concerned.]

"I don't know what you're talking about, I cannot help you with your own money issues."

[He flinches, backing up against the wall, but no one else can be heard or seen in the room for him to flinch or back away from. He replies in disgust, as if someone has greatly offended him.]

"I did so try to help! It was out of my hands, the monarchy, you know! I was always on your side, of course I tried to help..!"

[His voice gets louder and angrier, and he tries in vain to back further away from 'her.']


[He sounds scared now, edging away.]


[His voice breaks.]

[He slumps and sits down, still off-camera, mumbling something about wanting "her to go away and leave [him] in peace."]

.vatheon, hello dramatic iceland, .ic, .curse 17, .video

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