Wild Fires on La Gomera

Apr 27, 2008 09:23


To my shame, I haven't visited every island of the seven main islands which make up this archipelago, but my favorite thus far is La Gomera, which can be seen quite clearly in the Winter months from the West and South-West coasts of Tenerife.  Today it is suffering.  You don't need to speak Spanish to understand these pictures.

Today the calima is abated a little, but the air is still thick and by midday the heat will be intense again.  God knows what it is like for the people of La Gomera.

On the tv the other morning they said that we now have calima for three months of the year, which surprises me not at all.  I knew for a fact I was cleaning my balcony more often, sleeping without the duvet even in the Winter months, taking more medication for sinus problems.  I had planned to do lots today, having been out all week, but if it is as hot as yesterday it's doubtful how much I will get done!  Ah, well, off to start before it gets really hot.

calima, islas canarias, la gomera

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