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Dec 13, 2004 01:40

Ahh this weekend has gone to waste--how sad :(

So I realized on Saturday while attending the Michigan Gospel Chorale--VERY good!!!--that I focus so much on the so-called "negative" aspects of my life that I forget to stop for a moment and just realize how grateful I should be for all that I have and all that I have endured and I all that I have been blessed with by my Lord and Savior.

Today is finally my time for thanksgiving!!

I am so grateful for the family that I have. We never give up on each other and we constantly encourage one another to do the very best we can. I have never ever observed any of my family members degrading or discouraging one another--we always encourage and try to help in anyway possible.

I love my parents so much because of the person that they helped to guide me into becoming--I know that I may not all be good, but I like to believe that overall I've turned out pretty well. Now it's up to GOD and me to see to it that I continue to grow and become a more mature, thoughtful, Christlike person.

The biggest thing right now that I'm grateful for is being here at UofM!
I just remember being so paralyzed with fear about not making the right choice about colleges, not having any choices, and essentially--NOT GOING TO UofM!!
I knew all along that this was where I was supposed to go--it was so hard for me to complete the application to go here because I wanted it so bad and I was afraid I would fail in my attempt. So as usual I just worried non-stop and put off completing the application because of my fear. Between the time I applied and the time I got in I made several attempts to convince myself that if I didn't get in it was fine, because it obviously wasn't meant to be....I even brainwashed myself into thinking for a brief moment that I wanted to go to MSU!!!
Anyways, I have never had any experience in which I've learned so much, had so much fun, grown so much, met so many people, had to adjust so much, and discovered so much about myself and God all at once!!
I love this school!
One day I was thinking that the primary reason I would be afraid of having to leave wouldn't be because of the academic loss--tho obviously that would be sad--but because of how much I would miss the people, the city, the atmosphere, the opportunities, all the new and different things there are to learn and do-AAAHHHH!!!!!!
Just the thought of being away from here is too much for me to bear!
My experiences here have shown me that God really is in charge and that he really does work in mysterious ways. He has been holding my hand and guiding me to the right places throughout my time here.
A prime example of that is my hall--3rd Elliott!!

I was sooo scared when I came to Markley because I heard it was filled with sorostitutes, crazy freshman, never can stay in the dorm b/c it's so loud, teeny-tiny rooms (very true), bad food, etc.....


I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo glad that I'm on this hall.
The girls I have met and became friends with are amazing. They are all so unique and friendly and just give me all kinds of new insight. I've had so many great talks with many of them. AND several people I didn't have the best impressions of have turned out to be very cool. AND there are at least 6 Christians just on my floor. By Christian I don't mean just saying they believe in God. I mean I can tell by the way they live their lives, we've had good talks about God, and a lot of us go to church together.

The classes are good here too---I just need to get more motivated.....

And there are so many activities--and i love going to all of them--well most!!! According to Clare, Natalie and I are the type of people that event organizers love because we always are one of the few people to go to stuff! But it's great fun! I like trying new things since I've been here.

Christmas time is rapidly approaching and I just can't wait!!

I can't seem to even think about finding time to buy/make gifts/cards for people right now tho :(.....so consumed with exams, no time to go anywhere....sigh!!

O well--time for me to go to bed and get up in a few hours to try and register for this psych class!

G'nite all--or perhaps i should say no one since that's prob who's reading this--no one!

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