Jun 02, 2004 18:56
sooooooooo, going to LA this weekend for my cousins wedding, but i dont have a dress so im screwed!!.so im not gonna be there to run our last run! ew...finals next week YAY...haha..I'll be SO lucky to pass the geometry final or geometry at all. Going in everyday at lunch to re-take tests and AH jeeze it will probably lower my grade!?!?!? i hate geometry!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and I DONT wanna go to summer school for it. ALLY UR GONNA PASS U HAVE GOTTEN B'S ON EVERY MAKE UP TEST!! ughhhhhhh....overwhelmed....why do i even bother writing in a live journal. OHHHHHHHHHH the movie DARKNESS looks grood. I also wanna see:
the day after tomorrow
the stepford wives
the door in the floor
..........and what else is comming out?
anyways....must be off **CHEERS**