Aug 11, 2004 22:44
Man I kind of forgot about my live journal over the summer but now that school is back im gunna start updating it.
Mission trip was awesome I was so sad to leave those awesome kids we hung out with for a week. The kids were so sweet and I cant wait till next year even tho i dont get to do vbs but i get to build a house man that will be great
Middle school camp was awesome I met so many new people and grew closer to all my other friends. I am so mad at Rob that he wont let me go next year just because ill b in 9th grade man that sucks!!
Beach Camp was awesome too!! ALl the leaders were so great and I love all the kids who went they made my day (actually week) well THe bus ride home was so much fun and I would go on but "what happens at beach camp stays at beach camp"lol
I got pod A if n e of u guys didnt know
School is so much fun..I guess as much fun as school can get today Some times I swear im blond!
Update more later