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I contacted him via Myspace concerning a potential interview. How awesome would that be? Very awesome is how awesome!
Was kind of weird being on Myspace after so long. Had to purge a whole bunch of out-of-date stuff. And of course it's still evil and grrrr and what-not. But it's not every day you get the opportunity to interview a superhero.
On the subject, saw Wolverine the other day. Deadpool wasn't nearly Deadpool-y enough. And there wasn't nearly enough Gambit, and he wasn't Cajun enough, and they got Emma Frost wrong, and the director did a terrible job establishing the period. I didn't know if it was the 80s or the 90s or what the hell. I'd like to think it was some sort of directorial decision to emphasise how timeless and desensitised Logan has become after all the decades of war and wandering, but I'm more convinced that they just didn't put enough thought into the movie setting.
Moving on, teen Cyclops was there which was kind of silly, and they had Patrick Stewart out being all bipedal and that's just not right. And The Blob was entirely superfluous, I don't care how many tank shells he shrugs off.
The final fight was cool, to a point, and there were some interesting moments (sadly cut short by insipid action scenes) and some interesting action scenes (sadly cut short by insipid dialogue). Suppose I shouldn't have expected much more, suppose I've been spoiled by Dark Knight and Watchmen this past year.
Apparently a Deadpool spin-off has been greenlit. Which would be pretty cool, as long as they Deadpooled him up by a factor of about three hundred. Who makes the wisecrackingest character in the Marvel Universe into a mute? *headdesk*
more gambit plz?