Mar 08, 2006 16:24
Things to do before I die:
1. Spend one whole day doing things I've never done
2. Go on a hot air balloon ride
3. Sing in front of an audience
4. Support World Vision
5. Have a star named after me
6. Make and eat a real smore
7. Live in a house on a beach (even just for a little while)
8. Play strip go-fish
9. Eat a mango DONE! and drink coconut milk
10. Sell a piece of my art
11. Write a novel
12. Make a difference in someone's life
DONE! 13. Be kissed (by a guy) on New Years
14. Get all dressed up just to drink pina coladas and strawberry daiquiris
15. Get married but not divorced
16. See a real whale or dolphin in the ocean
17. Go inside a tree house
18. Ride in a limo
DONE! 19. Be surprised at a surprise party for me
20. Spend one whole day talking in a British accent
21. Sing in a band
22. Have a professional massage
23. Fall asleep under the stars
24. Have at least one baby (all healthy)
25. Build a giant sandcastle
26. Talk to someone famous
27. Be kissed in the pouring rain
28. Try banana-flavoured ice cream
29. Be super woman one Halloween
DONE! 30. See what I look like with brown hair
31. Pat a koala
32. Give a homeless person my leftover meal from a restaurant
DONE! 33. Go clubbing
34. Walk along a beach in the moonlight
35. Go to a Leafs game
never… 36. Drive my grandma around like she wanted me to
37. Learn how to cook
38. Ride in a Dodge 4x4 or some other kind of pick-up truck
39. Own a hibiscus tree
40. Pick my own pineapple
41. Ride on a mini bike/ dirt bike
42. For their anniversary one year, give my parents a trip to New York
43. See the Eiffel Tower, the Trevy Fountain and the Mona Lisa
44. Go on a picnic
45. Learn how to salsa
46. Learn how to speak Spanish
47. Climb that cool tree in the back of St. Augustine
48. Sleep over at a guy friend's house just because I’m not allowed to...shhh!
49. Tell someone off really their face though
50. Go to California