Oct 30, 2005 12:02
Ok so i went for a jogg right, and after my jogg i always cool down by walking for 5 minutes or so. So I'm listening to my mp3 player and "Do Wa Ditty" comes on. I had SOOO much energy so i decided to see what people would do if I simply went crazy. So here I am, just walking down the street, snapping my fingers and shuffeling my feet and singing "DO WA DITTY DITTY DUM DITTY DO," just like it says in the song. Sure enough, all the cars that pass were looking at me and one middle-aged man actually laughed at me =P I was having such a blast! I got a couple of honks from some scarey people (lolz) but i didn't care! I probably looked like a complete mental person but I was having FUN and that's all that mattered!!!!!!!
Seriously, everyone should sing out loud and dance down the street every once in a while. Trust me, it feels GREAT!!!!!!