aaah someone read this and help haha

Apr 14, 2007 21:50

omg... I'm like.. FREAKING OUT... seriously.. ahaha I cant even think straight this is so messed up. So I made this profile, on an online dating site. because massimo had discovered it, said it was fun, etc etc... so me and lisa made profiles too. ( in case you care) and so all of a sudden I started getting ridiculous amount of messages.... like.. right now I have 80 something unread messages because I can't keep up. I've met a couple cool guys off there from bowmanville and whatnot, but just on msn... I've never actually met up with any of them but ANYWAYS... check it out. this is the first story. I started talking to some guy... and eventually came to realize he's one of my good friend's ex boyfriends. they went out for 2 years, and i'd never met him... but she was constantly talking about him and stuff, obviously... so I knew a lot about him. and then all of a sudden, yeah... the kyle I met on the dating website is the same kyle I used to constantly be hearing around from michelle! wtf.. ok... so that's just some dumb coincidental thing that was funny but then check what just happened right now. So i've been talking to this guy josh for a couple weeks. he's really nice, he said how he was single, he's thinks i'm hot, etc etc... there's was a lot of small talk, and such, but he DEFINITELY expressed interest in meeting up and shit. so anyway, we're talking on msn.. about an hour ago.. and he's like "you're taking too long to respond! can I call you?" and I'm like ok... so he calls, and we're talking on the phone. I asked him where he goes to school, he's fumbing over words and said something about going to a school in waterloo... and i'm like "what school" and he is pausing.. and hestitating.. like he doesn't know what school he goes to so i'm all "don;t lie to me, lol.. just tell me the truth! I don't care where you go to school" and so he's like "I go to a religious school...." and i'm like "bible college?" and he's like.. yeahh. and I ask what relgion he is. he says baptist. and I remember how I used to work at tim hortons and there were all these baptst girls there that went to bible college. so I tell him about it. and I can hear him like... gasping... in shock, or whatever. And then it slowly started coming to me... lol... I was like, WAIT A SEC... your name is josh? you go to bible college???? uhh.. did you used to be going out with someone named erin?? and I can tell he's like.. freaking out on the other end and.. omg. so basically the story is, I used to work at tim hortons and was really good friends with this chick erin, who was engaged to a guy named josh. they had been going out for 4 years. I'd never met him, but she'd always be on her cell with him on break and i'd always be like "hiiiiii joshieee...!" into the phone whenever I was back there, you know.. kind like teasing them? omg. so this was the josh. you don't understand. they were like... hardcore. like, seriously madly in love getting married hardcore. and they still are!!! I'm so spazzing out haha.... because seriously EVERYONE at tims knew of josh and how much he and erin were in love and about to get married and stuff. so I was like.. "omg.. josh.. remember that chick that would always say "heyyyy joshie" into the phone when you were talking to erin? yeah. that was me." and he confessed that he's still engaged to her, they're getting married in a month, lol... etc. but omg. what a douchebag! what is he doing on a "dating" website.. and calling up girls like this??? I dont even know what to do.... I promised him I wou;dnt' say anything to erin, but I care about her and if he is like this, and would cheat on her.. I don't know if she should be marrying him, you know?? she's SUCH a sweet girl. and he seems liek a really nice guy but... oh man. freaking drama. wtf. so should I do anything???? or should I forget it ever happened? I don't wanna meddle... but I dont want erin to get screwed over!!! I overreacting???? aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh
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