Oct 17, 2004 16:54
you know i have know victor for almost 2 months and he has become worse then Sandon at a faster speed. At first Victor was sweet, nice, cute as a button, fun to be with. Ever since then its like i have to call him, i have to beg to see him and oh heaven forbid i go and see him after he gets outta class because that makes him think im stalking him or something else. He has turned into a Sandon jr and is like ready to surpass him. in 6 months Sandon changed awhole lot to what Victor is now in like way less then the time.
Sandon & Victor (Similiarities)
~ both are civilians who work at NAS base
~ Sandon works with airplanes, Victor does soemthign with the manuels for airplanes
~ Sandon gets off of work at 6:30 am, Victor is at work at 6:30am
~ both drink the night away on Friday adn Saturday nights
~ both are too busy to talk to me unless they "want" something
~ both dont call me to say hi or talk to me unless they have to
~ both talk shit and make me feel bad because i dont drink (and i have a damn good reason not to)
~ both are too busy to see me or go out becaue they dont want to or embaressed or just dont want to.
~ both have commitment issues
~ both are the same age
Sandon & Victor (differences)
~ Sandon doent want to be with me because im bigger in size, victor doesnt care about size just doesnt want a relatinoship
~ Sandon is cold hearted, non affectionate, gets mad easily and donest want to hear bad things that happen ni the world. Victor is affectionate, hears bad things and doesnt get bent out of shape, doesnt get mad easily and listens
there really isnt much of a differneces between the two. I spent 6 months liking Sandon, wanting to be with him and doing everythign. im not gonna spend another 6 months doing that to Victor. im just tired of peope not likeing me for me. If your not going to then im not gonna waste my time talking to you. i have better and more important things to do. all i know is im not gonna talk to Victor for awhile. im gonna see how long it takes for him to im me or call me on his own. i havent heard from Sandon in 3 weeks and dont really care anymore. its not like he even cared about me anyways. if he ended up taking 2 weeks to a month to talk to me then im just gonna stop talking to him and forget him. im tired of all these games, lies and shit i have to put up with. im too nice and too good for that so it will end. i dont wnat to loose him as a friend just like i didnt want to loose Sandon but im not gonna be treated like a rent-a-friend.