Aug 07, 2004 00:33
well ive now worked my first free concert. Letty called me to see if i would do parking. For parking, if anyone wanted to park inside the amphitheater in our oh so lovely Vip parking then it would cost $1.00. if not then anywhere in the streets was for free. Man i have never seen so many pinche mexicans in my life. when i told them it was a dollar they were having a cow, i was like dude its a "FREE" COncert, and parking inside is "VIP" parking? If not that then alot were trying to speak spanish and act like they didnt know and keep driving past me without paying. hehehe well i do have a radio for a reason :D. So those that decided not to stop i would call on the radio or the other people would notice and stop them. I met all the band members because they didnt know where to park. man it was so hot it was unreal.i had no water, none till it got dark and dude its doenst get dark till 8:30 if not later (i started working at 4:30) so yeah i was just a little thirsty u know ;) ? i got hit on by some cute guys, no girls tonight, alot of old old really mexican men, some guy with his wife or gf or whatever. this guy pulls up with 3 other people and kept hitting on me and i was like ugh.. yes, ugh no? he is all whats your name? your cute, im from houston lmao i was like WHOA dude u got someone u know? he was all u working any other time this week, i'll drive by and say hi lol. well besides that my friend John who is a barricade guy and me were giving hand signals and talking from far away. then later on he gets on the radio and infront of everyone is whistling at me and stuff, crazy boy. well later he brought me water, awww and of course was flirting with me as usual. later on when i had no water this lady who some how knows me from TAMUCC was like OMG!!! i know u! we had a class together. I bet yall can guess my expression lol this girl says we were in statistics together and i know it wasnt statistic, we have had a class but im not sure when or where but i was like whoa chick lol. she was all bye see u at school! lol ohhkayyyyy. strange people go to Concrete u know? well at 9:30 i got to go in so it was all good . i found out on sunday i gotta be tehre at 4pm instead of 5 cuz the big Evanesence, 3 days grace, breaking benjamins and seether concert. So i gotta block traffic and stand there in the heat longer then i watned to. oh well but it will be sooo worth it. well my night was pretty hot and boring overal but thats ok cuz the weirder stuff thats on a constant go will happen sunday so until then.. byeski!