beach } { wipe out

Mar 17, 2011 20:37

[Eliot isn't sure how he wound up in the ocean, but that REALLY wasn't the place he wanted to be. There were more important things that he was supposed to be doing. Like punching the lights out of the dirty cops who happened to wander into the bar ( Read more... )

derek morgan, [entry]: transmission, fiona glenanne, [area]: beach, parker, sophie devereaux, [entry]: wash-up, eliot spencer

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wereall_addicts March 18 2011, 02:47:10 UTC
[wanders over to their friendly and rather well-built neighbor, knocking lightly on the door and hoping she doesn't get Ruby]

Derek? It's Sophie. I need a favor.


no_chaplin March 18 2011, 02:51:57 UTC
[Ahh, not to worry Sophie. Derek doesn't know where his slightly psychopathic roommate is. He's guessing in the vicinity of a certain redhead, but that's another topic for another day.]

One minute!

[he calls this out and climbs from where he's been reading in bed. He pulls the door open and gives a charming smile. Sure, he knows she's with Parker, but he's a flirt. He's still gonna flirt]

And what can I do for you today, Sophie?


wereall_addicts March 18 2011, 02:53:34 UTC
[oh, Sophie doesn't mind a flirt. So long as it stays at flirting. She'll return the smile, and lean in the doorframe]

A friend of mine just showed up on the island. He's in need of something dry and he happens to share a certain ... body type. I was wondering if you might have something he can borrow.


no_chaplin March 18 2011, 02:56:32 UTC
[nods her in and moves aside to find something for her]

Now you know you don't need to make up stories just to get into my cabin, don't you?


wereall_addicts March 18 2011, 02:57:55 UTC
[smile fades to a smirk as she follows him in]

Now where's the fun in that?


no_chaplin March 18 2011, 03:00:43 UTC
[just laughs and grabs some track pants and a t-shirt, handing them over]

Here ya go, beautiful. Anything else?


wereall_addicts March 18 2011, 03:03:44 UTC
[shakes her head]

I think this should work, thanks.

[a beat]

Unless you want to come lend a bit of credibility to the whole story. Poor thing ran into Parker right out of the ocean.


no_chaplin March 18 2011, 03:06:16 UTC
That's somethin' I'd like to see sometime.

Yeah, I can come along. As long as I'm not in the way.


wereall_addicts March 18 2011, 03:07:10 UTC
[small smile]

Not at all. They should be here soon.


no_chaplin March 18 2011, 03:12:45 UTC

[holds a hand out to let her lead the way out]


wereall_addicts March 18 2011, 03:26:15 UTC
[does so, heading back to her cabin, because she has a feeling that's where Parker will go]


ohshiny_tomatos March 18 2011, 03:29:24 UTC
[and what do you know, not long after they settle in, Parker comes stomping into the cabin. Still...dragging Eliot.]


nextchucknorris March 18 2011, 03:37:02 UTC
[yes, Eliot is being dragged. And he doesn't look happy about it. His eyes land on Sophie, and then wander to Derek.]

You Derek?


no_chaplin March 18 2011, 03:44:40 UTC
[raises a brow and watches this. He might be a little amused, but he isn't showing it. Yet]

Derek Morgan. You must be our new arrival.


wereall_addicts March 19 2011, 13:30:58 UTC
Derek, this is Eliot Spencer. Eliot, Derek Morgan, he's one of our neighbors.

[and now she's going to go and hug him. she missed him. Eliot's just going to flail a bit because HUGGING IS NOT HELPING]


ohshiny_tomatos March 19 2011, 19:32:52 UTC
[just gonna stand here and grin, because....yay family! Derek on the other hand will be a gentleman and hold a hand out to Eliot]


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