(no subject)

Jan 12, 2008 21:23

Character Name: Peter Petrelli
Nature of Visit: (Is this a routine checkup, are there significant injuries, etc?) Significant injuries
Injuries, if applicable: Peter was stabbed in the left shoulder and suffered some bruising to his throat due to fighting with Sylar
Has this person received medical care from our doctors before? yes
If so, from whom? Dr. Nicholas Garrigan
Will this admission require a inpatient stay in the clinic? if so, for how long? (depending on space available) Probably he was in for a day or two...
Is there a post that requires tagging, or is this simply agreed to have happened? This is agreed to have happened. It's backdated a few weeks, yo.
If you have a post needing tagging by a doctor, please give the URL:
Additional pertinant information:

dr. nicholas garrigan, admissions

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