Any and all requests for psycho or physical therapy should be posted to
island_medical by the pup seeking care. One of the therapists on duty will then post a comment to the request post specifying that they are giving care, and will then set up IG sessions as required.
Please note that physical therapy may be prescribed by one of the clinic doctors, but that the pup needing the therapy is who should post the request form.
To request physical therapy:
- Log in as the pup requiring care.
- Post to island_medical with the following information. Please fill the form out completely:
Character Name:
Injuries/conditions requiring therapy:
Has this person received medical care from our doctors?
If so, from whom?
Was physical therapy prescribed?
Is this a new or chronic condition?
Would you like to play this out in game, or agree that it is happening?
Additional pertinant information/links:
- Make sure to tag your post with "physical therapy."
To request psychotherapy:
- Log in as the pup requiring care.
- Post to island_medical with the following information. Please fill the form out completely:
Character Name:
Character's place and time of origin:
Has this person had therapy in the past?
If so, could you detail the progress of said therapy?
What particular issues are you wanting this person to address in therapy?
Would you like to play this out in game, or agree that it is happening?
Additional pertinant information/links (Please be as detailed here as possible, so that we can properly help you):
- Make sure to tag your post with "psychotherapy."