She was pushing her way through the jungle, cheeks flushed with anger as she tried to get away from him. He was an ass and she was sick of him assuming that he knew her. Just because he’d been a goddamned con-man didn’t mean that he knew the ins and outs of her heart. She could hear him calling after her but she didn’t stop as she wiped at her face. Sometimes she absolutely hated being stuck here with him, hated that even if she hadn’t finished out those two weeks three months ago she wouldn’t have had anything to go home to anyway. It was while she was lost in her thoughts that she tripped over an exposed root and fell flat on her face onto the jungle floor.
Perfect. Absolutely fucking perfect. Sitting up, she held onto her wrist as it throbbed but otherwise didn’t make a move to stand up. “Leave me alone James, please,” she said evenly once he caught up with her.
“You’re hurt,” he said as he gestured to her wrist.
“It’s a sprain, I’ll live. In case you didn’t know, storming off is usually indicative of wanting to be alone,” she pointed out as she glared up at him.
“Come on Juliet. You know I didn’t mean it like that,” he started.
“Then how exactly did you mean it? Tell me,” she snapped.
“Well if you woulda let me finish Miss Muffet, you would have heard me say that Kate don’t even hold a candle to you.”
She stared at him for what felt like hours but could have only been seconds. “I’m not her. Whatever you’re looking for in me that reminds you of her, you won’t find it.”
James plopped down next to her and kept his eyes looking forward through the trees. “Thing is, I’m not. I said what I said ‘cause you seem to think I’m the Doc. But I ain’t the same kinda man.”
“I never thought that,” she said quickly. “And I’m not looking for Jack in you. You are a good man. I want you to figure that out for yourself. You don’t see it, James? Keeping me safe. Keeping all of us safe and getting us into the…damn Dharma Initiative. You’ve been our leader without even realizing it. Miles, Jin and I, we’re looking to you. I just happen to have your back.”
He finally shifted his gaze to meet hers. “I always got your back. Long as you have mine.”
“Always,” she said despite her anger.
“You still mad at me, Blondie?”
“Depends on if you’re still being an ass.”
He gave a little chuckle at that. “I figure you’ve had enough for one day,” he said as he stood to help her up.
Once Juliet was standing, she raised her head to look him right in the eyes. “I know what kind of a man you are, James. I’m proud of you.”
He swallowed thickly and squeezed her hand softly before nodding once and leading her back through the jungle towards Dharmaville.