update on christmas in DC

Nov 20, 2007 18:24

Amanda bought Papa a ticket to DC for Christmas!!! That's really cool and extremely nice of her, but I wish I knew before I bought my tickets, because I think I'd rather just come back to San Jose.. might have been cheaper round trip too. The only reason I was going to Long Beach was so I could see Papa... and Alex. Now it will just be for Alex.

So... strange as it may seem... I will have Christmas with Amanda, my mom, my stepdad, and my REAL dad. Might seem more strange than it is. I'm just happy my mom, stepdad, and Papa all get along. :-)

I should be writing a paper that should be due tomorrow, but I'm pretty sure I got an extension. I'm going to email my TA (again) and confirm. I think I heard him say "yeah" I could have an extension, but it was mumbley and he never responded to my email about it... yeaaahh...

I think today is my longest day all quarter. On campus at 8:30, performance at 10, snuck into class (late because of performance) around 12:30-1:45 (so much dancing!!!) work (actually working!) 2-4:30, to the base of campus to do tour guiding timesheet, back up to Porter for thanksgiving dining hall food with friends, and now here I am waiting for class at 7:30-10:30. 14 hours on campus. laaaaaaaaame.
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