Anyway, I bring you a meme. One of those pointless horoscope vaguely-true-to-your-disposition things. But hey, an email forward that didn't get my gasket blowing. XD It was in Malay, so here's the English version. But anyway, it's apparently taken from some old texts...
find out your birthday according to the Islamic calendar. Note:
Rabi I - Rabiulawal
Rabi II - Rabiulakhir
Jumada I - Jamadil awal
Jumada II - Jamadil akhir
Dhu'l-Qa'dah - Zulkaedah
Dhu'l-Hijja - Zulhijjah
(as according to Malaysianised spelling)
Now, your personality, according to your birth month:
When you're bad, you're like the devil, but when you're good, you're like an angel. Often you will receive the consequences of your own actions. You find it difficult to control your emotions, sometimes it's excessive or the exact opposite. Because you cannot seem to draw the line, it's difficult for you to judge the pros and cons of your actions. You often regret your lack of care and lack of judgment.
You're quiet, with a healthy mind, but a mind that can become dull if it doesn't receive the right education. However, if well educated, you can be clever because of your innate intelligence. Your internal desires are good (i.e. healthy and not ill-willed) and will always be in the clear.
You have a bad habit of not willing to admit your faults. Your parents need to guide you towards removing this fault or else it will lead to difficulty in your life later. However, if you do something for your own benefit, often it will bear fruit.
You are of good character. Perhaps you will gain a high position, become influential or gain unexpected riches. In your workplace you are liked by many. Among your negatives include impatience, stubbornness and a short temper.
[This is also the Prophet's birth month. *koffs*]
You are of a devilish character. Your heart is not true. Your thoughts and desires are weak, with ill desires, rough character and tendency to physical violence. Your life is difficult because of this. Your parents will encounter difficulties in guiding you.
You have a high level of confidence. Brave and dedicated, sometimes to the point of doing something foolhardy or dangerous. However, those traits will lead to results, even if it's failure. (???)
Yours is a brave character, earning the respect of others. You are smart in many things. You are quick to admit your faults or points of confusion, but on the other hand, if you know you are in the right, you will not budge an inch. Your parents should guide you well so your positive attributes shine, because if you are raised well, in your adulthood you will be a boon to your parents.
In your youth you are stubborn and naughty. Your parents should raise you well in order that you would gain good values. As an adult you are humble and nonchalant (of your surroundings). This is quite different as to when you are young. However your life will be peaceful and quiet.
You are of good character. Your life is peaceful and your blessings (rezeki) will never end. As a child you're the sort to concede to others during playtime. Your behaviour is good as well as your manners, leading all to be fond of you. In your adulthood you will succeed in any work that you do and it will be easy for you to make a living.
You are good, quiet, and humble. You are not arrogant to those who you know. You don't like to put yourself in the limelight. Your life will always be peaceful.
You have a hard character and a hard heart. You hate to lose. This will harm you, so your parents should have raised you in a way that removes this bad trait. If not, your life will be difficult because your stubbornness and you will often be in arguments especially in matters regarding your livelihood/fortune.
You are quiet. Many good things in you will turn to badness. You think a lot, that with this attitude you will gain something good in your life. But because of too much thinking your actions sometimes become confused. You should act without overthinking to gain a satisfying result.
When you're bad, you're like the devil, but when you're good, you're like an angel. Often you will receive the consequences of your own actions. You find it difficult to control your emotions, sometimes it's excessive or the exact opposite. Because you cannot seem to draw the line, it's difficult for you to judge the pros and cons of your actions. You often regret your lack of care and lack of judgment.
Have fun! Take it with a huge boulder of salt, considering fortune-telling is ixnay to begin with. :D (I just thought it's appropriate what with all this talk about cultural appropriation and unawareness of non-North American cultures &c &c &c)