First update for 2010

Jan 15, 2010 04:06

As you can tell from the subject of this entry it's the first update I'm posting up for the year 2010. And before I begin I'd like to greet everyone of you a Happy New Year. Whether it be a happy one to any of you -which I hope it is so far-. Anyhoo, I know I haven't been updating since...Nov (I'm guessing here xD), and I'm sorry for that. Life's been busy as usual and there really isn't much going on. Well not quiet. The holidays were alright. Not as great as last year but it was still nice. Christmas was fun. Spent it with my family, as usual. And New Years eve was just awesome. Well not as festive or not much partying was done, but at least I spent it with my boyfriend. Oh yes, that's right, boyfriend. Just recently, well Dec. 28 xD, I've gotten myself a boyfriend since...2yrs ago. Long huh? That's long enough for a lot of freedom, lonely nights, and partying like a rockstar for me. So on with the boyfriend...he's a coworker, yes I know it's not wise to date a coworker but oh well xD It was really out of no where and a surprise for me til now xD He and I started as coworkers then grown into friends. And the more we hung out and talked the more it gradually drifted to a whole new level. We just instantly click right of the bat and we've got a lot in common. Plus, he treats me way better than the guys I've been seeing. So a total big change there. He's 5yrs younger than I an though. But age never really mattered nowadays. Well just as long as he isn't 17 than I'm all good. Hell no will I rob the cradle that far xD So I spent counting down the New Year with him at his place. It wasn't much since he had to work late. Lame I know but at least we had our first kiss of the New Year that night. It was really wonderful :) The new year so far is going good. Well financially no but I'm just really happy that my love life is actually doing great. I always did prefer love over money. Because money can't buy you happiness. Well only for a short period of time. But in the end it doesn't. Now friends wise...well it's alright. There are some I've been distant with. So not my fault though. Things are starting to be different but I still hope that our friendship stays the same. Especially here too. I've got a few friends on here and I hope that things are still gravy between us. Even if I haven't updating like I know i should. Oh, speaking of which, a surprise to all, I haven't been online lately to Role Play or pretty much just sit in front of the computer all day. This is because of the new boyfriend and work. It really sucks though because I miss it a lot. I really miss role playing. Especially with my friend Steph. I miss our long hours online and role playing. I especially miss Giacomo. One of this day I will make time and rp with her. I know it's been a while and I miss her a whole lot. And of course my other online friends. I miss them too. I just hope they're doing fine. Anyways, I'm out. Hope everyone has a safe and good new year. Wishing you all the best and always take care. <333


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