My Bloody Valentine

Jan 17, 2009 00:43

Ok first off I would just like to say that I'm doing good. Slowly recovering from the chicken pox. Still itchy as hell but I'm still alive. My face is looking better too. Of which I'm glad. Because either way, my face lookin good or bad, I'm still going to watch My Bloody Valentine, lol. Anyways, I would really love to give you all the details of the movie but I'll just be spoiling it for the rest of you. Which I wouldn't want to do because seriously that's a great ass movie Jensen did. Seriously, great. I'll just give my er, review. Although it was hard to pay attention when I was totally fan girling over Jensen. I just think who ever has a light stomach and can't take seeing anything gory, then be careful because that movie is gory. Loads of blood and chopped up bodies. It's crazy. And I total plot twist in the end. Which I was totally right from the very beginning. It isn't much of a scary movie. Well I didn't get scared. Okay I did get scared from all the suspenseful parts of the movie but but I didn't scream or anything like that.

Oh and before the movie there was a preview for Jared's movie, Friday the 13. Looks really scary. I can't wait to watch that one. A total remake of one of the best scary movie ever. Anyways, really great movie, alright storyline, and good cast. The best one of all is it's all Jensen all the time. Finally got to see him in the big screen. I'm like in full Jensen mode once again. And it's great that Supernatural is back as well. Simply awesome. Wish I could continue on with my fan girling but I must go and rest. I enjoyed my night with Jensen and I shall dream of him, lol. I just hope I get better soon because I need to go back to work. I'm getting broke, lol. Bye everyone. Take care and be safe. Peace.


my bloody valentine, jensen ackles

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