geek_mama_2 posted a link to new
AWE concept art.
pseudoblu discussed
a possible AWE trailer script.
foehelm discussed
a pirate gathering at DragonCon 2007.
djarum99 discussed
Captain Jack Sparrow and the Nature of Good and Evil.
theguiltyone discussed
the music in PotC.
New Fan Fiction
bravenewcentury wrote
Waxing. (Rated PG, Jack/Elizabeth, Will/Elizabeth, Norrington/Elizabeth)
5thofnovember wrote
Consequence. (Rated R, Jack/Elizabeth)
djarum99 wrote
Vector. (Rated PG-13, Jack/Elizabeth)
djarum99 wrote
Bordello. (Rated NC-17, Jack/Elizabeth)
erinya wrote
Fragile Things. (Rated PG, Elizabeth)
fid_gin wrote
Catch and Release. (Rated R, Jack/Elizabeth)
fid_gin wrote
Stowaway. (Rated NC-17, Jack/Elizabeth)
drbillbongo wrote
The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea. (Rated PG-13, Jack/Norrington)
sionnain wrote
Acheron's Brimming Waters. (Rated T, Barbossa/Elizabeth)
desiringpirates wrote
What I Like. (Rated NC-17, Jack/Elizabeth)
joyful_molly wrote
Appearances Can Be Deceiving. (Rated R, Will/Gillette)
writing_samsara wrote
Gold. (Rated NC-17, Jack/Elizabeth)
Updated Fan Fiction
joyful_molly updated "Bell, Book and Pigtail" with chapters
6, and
7. (Rated R, Norrington/Gillette, Jack/Elizabeth, Norrington/Will)
jardim1 updated "Denial" with
chapter 4. (Rated R, Jack/OC, Jack/Elizabeth, Will/Elizabeth)
djarum99 updated "A Priori" with
chapter 3. (Rated NC-17, Jack/Elizabeth)
vicariousfacade updated the DMC Script Parody with part four:
1 and
2. (Rated PG-13?)
crazyrocker311 drew
Powers of Persuasion. (Rated PG, Elizabeth/Beckett)
pseudoblue drew
Tia Dalma. (Rated G)
emthiessen drew
Comfort. (Rated G, Jack/Elizabeth)
lunafox drew
Barbossa and Jack. (Rated G)
for_a_fantasy made
11 CotBP icons.
ate_a_bug made
30 Johnny icons and 3 AWE icons.
apple_pancake made
50 Love, Actually icons (featuring Keira).
herm_weasley made
80 Keira icons and 15 banners.
pokecharm made
15 PotC icons.
una_cannella made
13 Elizabethtown icons and 16 Orlando/Kirsten Dunst icons.
my_fairy_tales made
16 Keira icons, 48 PotC quote icons, and 10 friends only banners with Keira, Orlando, and Johnny.
sheld0n made
1 Johnny and 1 Orlando wallpaper.
ambayuun made
10 icons and a wallpaper of Orlando surfing.
amandamichelle8 made
a Jack/Elizabeth AWE wallpaper.
spiritgreen made
10 Orlando icons.
treepretty_ made
18 DMC icons.
crazyrocker311 posted
photos of the AWE-Norrington action figure.
agtmacgyver posted
photos of Jack & Elizabeth action figures from AWE.
Vote for challenge #73 and
enter challenge #74 at
Captain Jack plushie!
ninjanao posted
The Haunting of Jack Sparrow.
PyrateCon 2007 This is not everything in fandom, obviously. If you have suggestions that we've left out, please leave the info in a comment (comments are screened). Also, if you could recommend communities and/or journals to watch, comments would be appreciated.
Finally, we're looking for more people to take on the duty of being a backup editor. Please
email Gin or comment if you would like to volunteer.