Volume VII, Issue 3

Jan 21, 2007 19:47

- geek_mama_2 posted a link to new AWE concept art.

- pseudoblu discussed a possible AWE trailer script.
- foehelm discussed a pirate gathering at DragonCon 2007.
- djarum99 discussed Captain Jack Sparrow and the Nature of Good and Evil.
- theguiltyone discussed the music in PotC.

New Fan Fiction
- bravenewcentury wrote Waxing. (Rated PG, Jack/Elizabeth, Will/Elizabeth, Norrington/Elizabeth)
- 5thofnovember wrote Consequence. (Rated R, Jack/Elizabeth)
- djarum99 wrote Vector. (Rated PG-13, Jack/Elizabeth)
- djarum99 wrote Bordello. (Rated NC-17, Jack/Elizabeth)
- erinya wrote Fragile Things. (Rated PG, Elizabeth)
- fid_gin wrote Catch and Release. (Rated R, Jack/Elizabeth)
- fid_gin wrote Stowaway. (Rated NC-17, Jack/Elizabeth)
- drbillbongo wrote The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea. (Rated PG-13, Jack/Norrington)
- sionnain wrote Acheron's Brimming Waters. (Rated T, Barbossa/Elizabeth)
- desiringpirates wrote What I Like. (Rated NC-17, Jack/Elizabeth)
- joyful_molly wrote Appearances Can Be Deceiving. (Rated R, Will/Gillette)
- writing_samsara wrote Gold. (Rated NC-17, Jack/Elizabeth)

Updated Fan Fiction
- joyful_molly updated "Bell, Book and Pigtail" with chapters 5, 6, and 7. (Rated R, Norrington/Gillette, Jack/Elizabeth, Norrington/Will)
- jardim1 updated "Denial" with chapter 4. (Rated R, Jack/OC, Jack/Elizabeth, Will/Elizabeth)
- djarum99 updated "A Priori" with chapter 3. (Rated NC-17, Jack/Elizabeth)
- vicariousfacade updated the DMC Script Parody with part four: 1 and 2. (Rated PG-13?)

- crazyrocker311 drew Powers of Persuasion. (Rated PG, Elizabeth/Beckett)
- pseudoblue drew Tia Dalma. (Rated G)
- emthiessen drew Comfort. (Rated G, Jack/Elizabeth)
- lunafox drew Barbossa and Jack. (Rated G)

- for_a_fantasy made 11 CotBP icons.
- ate_a_bug made 30 Johnny icons and 3 AWE icons.
- apple_pancake made 50 Love, Actually icons (featuring Keira).
- herm_weasley made 80 Keira icons and 15 banners.
- pokecharm made 15 PotC icons.
- una_cannella made 13 Elizabethtown icons and 16 Orlando/Kirsten Dunst icons.
- my_fairy_tales made 16 Keira icons, 48 PotC quote icons, and 10 friends only banners with Keira, Orlando, and Johnny.
- sheld0n made 1 Johnny and 1 Orlando wallpaper.
- ambayuun made 10 icons and a wallpaper of Orlando surfing.
- amandamichelle8 made a Jack/Elizabeth AWE wallpaper.
- spiritgreen made 10 Orlando icons.
- treepretty_ made 18 DMC icons.

- crazyrocker311 posted photos of the AWE-Norrington action figure.
- agtmacgyver posted photos of Jack & Elizabeth action figures from AWE.
- Vote for challenge #73 and enter challenge #74 at potc_challenge.
- Captain Jack plushie!
- ninjanao posted The Haunting of Jack Sparrow.
- PyrateCon 2007

This is not everything in fandom, obviously. If you have suggestions that we've left out, please leave the info in a comment (comments are screened). Also, if you could recommend communities and/or journals to watch, comments would be appreciated.

Finally, we're looking for more people to take on the duty of being a backup editor. Please email Gin or comment if you would like to volunteer.

volume vii

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