New Fan Fiction
phoenix212 wrote
'Escape'. (Rated PG-13, Barbossa/Elizabeth)
who_la_hoop wrote
'Taken'. (Rated NC-17, Will/Jack)
robes_of_earth wrote
'Three of Hearts'. (Rated NC-17, Elizabeth/Tia Dalma/Barbossa)
bravenewcentury wrote
'Jet and Amber'. (Rated PG-13, Jack/Elizabeth)
gedicht wrote
'The Last Steps of Eurydice'. (Rated PG-13, Jack/Elizabeth)
estelendur wrote 'Pirate Gourmet Contest'. (Rated PG, Jack/Norrington)
smearedink wrote
'If You Need Me, Come Over Here'. (Rated R, Jack/Norrington)
electrainverted wrote
'New Gods, Old Lands'. (Rated G, Jack, Will, Tia Dalma)
robes_of_earth wrote
'Head, Heart and Hand'. (Rated PG, gen)
Updated Fan Fiction
desiringpirates updated
'Jack's Promise' with chapter 3. (Rated NC-17, Jack/Elizabeth)
crazyrocker311 updated
'Powers of Persuasion' with chapter 2. (Rated PG-13, Elizabeth, Beckett)
eirena updated
'Black Pearl Nights' with VI - His. (Rated R, Jack/Elizabeth)
eirena updated
the 'Redemption' series with Redemption XII: The Coming Storm. (Rated PG-13, Elizabeth/Norrington, AU)
bravenewcentury updated
'Morning Theft' with chapter 12. (Rated ?, Jack/Elizabeth)
starrdust411 updated
'The Curse of Time' with chapter 8. (Rated R, Jack/Will)
molassesturtle updated
'No Good Deed Goes Unpunished' with chapter 2. (Rated PG, Norrington, Beckett, Mercer, Gov. Swann, Elizabeth, Will)
madame_doodle updated
'Fate Intervened' with chapter 22. (Rated R, Jack/Elizabeth)
april_lirit updated
'La Principessa' with chapter 2. (Rated R, Beckett/Elizabeth)
anyasy updated
'Guardian Angel' with chapter 12/12. (Rated R, Jack/Norrington)
aranluc drew
Norrington and Elizabeth. (Rated G)
scallywag_roxy drew
Fan Art for Black Pearl Nights VI. (Rated R, Jack/Elizabeth, NWS)
anyasy drew
White Admiral. (Rated PG-13, Jack/Norrington) Also a new WIP fic!
love_angel7 made
a Jack/Will manip. (Rated PG, Jack/Will)
envision_icons made
27 Will icons from CotBP.
belegwathien made
45 POTC and 10 animated text POTC icons.
dgtall made
10 POTC icons.
x_havefaith made
5 Keira and 5 CotBP icons.
wecrash made
12 animated DMC icons in a multifandom post.
aiken_4clay made
26 CotBP and 43 Keira icons.
for_a_fantasy made
40 CotBP, 7 Keira icons, and 6 CotBP, 6 Keira headers.
st_minority posted
wants info/links on real pirates for a research project.
pewp_deck_rp is a new cross-fandom pirate RP that
wants POTC players.
whisper_lillies posted
Swann Symphony: The Trials and Tribulations of Elizabeth Swann (a fanmix).
jacquesmoineau posted
more pirate films - recommend one.
This is not everything in fandom, obviously. If you have suggestions that we've left out, please leave the info in a comment (comments are screened). Also, if you could recommend communities and/or journals to watch, comments would be appreciated.
Finally, we're looking for more people to take on the duty of being a backup editor. Please
email Gin or comment if you would like to volunteer.