- Storm is covering the sky with mist, making a blizzard. - I've never seen snow. - Oh well. Stop kidding me. You've never seen snow? - Yes. Never. - Didn't you know that Russia can't live without it? - ? - Understand that snow is the main thing people in Russia are talking about. About how beautiful and cold it is, how it flakes and that there's nobody again to clean it. - What can we do now... - I just want to see snow.
Конечно, интонации в полной мере не передать, но старался максимально приблизить. Грамматически всё верно вроде бы.
- I've never seen snow.
- Oh well. Stop kidding me. You've never seen snow?
- Yes. Never.
- Didn't you know that Russia can't live without it?
- ?
- Understand that snow is the main thing people in Russia are talking about. About how beautiful and cold it is, how it flakes and that there's nobody again to clean it.
- What can we do now...
- I just want to see snow.
Конечно, интонации в полной мере не передать, но старался максимально приблизить. Грамматически всё верно вроде бы.
Oops :-[
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