Mar 09, 2008 11:50
Some of last night's deeper thoughts were based on the possibility (or impossibility) of achieving the great scifi utopia, where individual freedom walks side-by-side with social purpose, where the fruits of your labor are your own and where collaboration takes place not out of coercive necessity (as is the case in all extant economies to greater or lesser extent) but out of conscious desire for the ends pursued. Star Trek did its job by exploring what such a system might look like, but it's only natural to muse on how we might get there.
I think we came down to two main prerequisites: inexpensive energy and some kind of change in the religious mind.
My problem with the latter is that religion's a much wider concept than publicly acknowledged. Part of the division of labor has led to a division of consciousness, too. "It's not my job to know how this or that works; that's somebody else's worry." It's a necessary part of specialization. I certainly don't know, and will never know, how a nuclear power plant functions, so some extent of its operation will be, to me, a black box.
And we have seen ideologies become little more than secular or, more precisely, non-metaphysical religions (though speaking of the latter gives me chills, reminding me of the Luddites who like to claim that everything from empirical science or political affiliation to agnosticism and unbelief are themselves "religious," an equation I find insulting to faith and faithlessness alike), positions to which we cling in the face of evidence or circumstances that prove their lack of function, it is clear that the religious mind far outstretches the phenomena of church, temple, or shrine.
And yet, as I have come to know, it is not useful to cry about rationalism, for man is more than a rational creature. We make leaps of logic that are foolish, certainly. Other leaps can be called inspirational, revolutionary, or brilliant. However many mathematical explanations the ancient Greeks or the thinkers of the Renaissance found to justify the golden ratio, it was still the irrational reaction of the human eye that seized on its beauty. Rational arithmetic is sometimes capable only of expressing what the human soul, the human body, simply knows.
So what's the answer? What's the golden mean between the excess of mystical ideology that we currently call "faith" and the pursuit of that rational superman who has moved beyond sentiment, passion, and madness? I don't know. But I love talking about it.
And I can say that the great riddle of the future is providing individual liberty while also building on society as a whole. When individual progress is limited, we have seen cultural madness emerge. And yet, as we see in our own culture, the atomism and alienation that we all feel to some degree, that feeling of distance from those who may live in our neighborhood, across the street, or even in our own homes--even if you do not feel it, there are millions who do. So how do you preserve individual mobility while allowing for social identity to add context to our lives? I struggle with that as a man, but I do not think I say too much to say that our society struggles with it too.
But I think a key to it all is a little more historical review. If you wonder how we ought to deal with what the world is now, it is wise to consider how we got here. Because there is nothing essential to humanity. Everything you see that is deep and strong and well-tended was something that was planted by a person. Every idea you encounter as an obstacle was once a musing dreamed of by man or woman. And every ancient faith was likewise invented. Each is no more eternal or otherworldly than other human creations.
It is in this one way that the ideal equals the material. Everything in the human mind is fashioned, carried, and preserved by man. And doesn't that mean anything is possible?