Happy Valentines Day

Feb 14, 2005 16:51

Hello everybody! ~*~HaPpY vAlEnTiNeS dAy!~*~ I just wanted to let everyone know that I have the single best boyfriend in the entire world! I love him more and more as each day goes by. I know he's the one I want to spend my entire life with and I couldn't be more thrilled! He did the CUTEST thing today! As you all know we're doing the long distance relationship thing and as you can imagine that makes valentines day somewhat interesting. He talked his mom into coming over here while i was gone and setting up a scavenger hunt. she had cards in random places telling where i should look next. (it was cuuuuute) the final card led me to my room where I found my pillow case FULL of my favorite toffee in the world! (cinnamon roll) i was excited so i called brandon to thank him and he later pointed out that i hadn't found them all. under my bedspread there was at least four pounds more of the toffee. i'm so happy! i'm gonna be one fat happy hyper kid! anyhoo i'm gonna go eat more yummies toodleloo!!!!
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