1. My name is the Master. Not Harold Saxon. If you call me that, I will find out, and you will regret it. Honestly, you'd think they didn't understand the concept of an alias.
2. I was married. Well, technically, I probably still am. Lovely lady, my Lucy. Obedient. Quite superior to the rest of her species. Like me.
3. I'm a Time Lord, from the planet Gallifrey, which doesn't exist anymore. Surprisingly enough, I had nothing to do with it. I was even a hero in the Time War, though not under my own name.
4. Speaking of the Time War, don't ask questions about it. Ever. The same goes for the end of the universe. You won't get any answers and I hate cleaning blood out of my suits.
5. I'm a genius. Partly this goes along with being a Time Lord, but who am I kidding, I'm brilliant even for that.
6. Other things that go along with being a Time Lord: two hearts, long lifespan, twelve regenerations. For most people, anyway. I got an extra cycle, because someone thought I'd be useful. No, I won't tell you how many I have left. Why would I reveal that information?
7. You probably don't remember it, but I ruled the world for a year. That was fun.
8. The laser screwdriver is my current weapon of choice. I suppose I'm a bit sentimental, made it myself and all that. Nine hundred settings. Most of them cause pain to any sentient being.
9. Whatever you might have heard about me, I am most certainly not mad.
10. I can be extraordinarily kind, given the right motivation. Or I can be immeasurably cruel. It's all up to you.