May 12, 2008 10:37
no surreal ending to this thought. i'm in love for good.
happy mother's day.
so what did everyone get or do for their mom?
All i remember was being on stage yelling out happy mother's day mom, i'm hung over. As i'm pouring myself another glass. I had good intentions of keeping that promise. The whole family came over for lunch, it was extremely loud and I was feeling very weak, so I went to go pick up swift, maybe she can help me find serenity in a house of chaos. My nephew was hooked on GTA4, although it wasn't long before he couldn't figure out the missions so we went back to the classic Halo3. The fam finally had enough, they left, i caught up on my office, and my name is earl before heading out for some strawberry shakes, I don't know why i was craving them so much. Mission accomplished and I was knocked out by nine o'clock. Before i went to sleep i prayed that kobe's back would stop from tightening up and having spasms.
In kobe we trust, take us to the finals.
Los out.