Easter Bunnies and Plot Bunnies

Mar 23, 2008 14:17

First of all, a big resounding Happy Easter to everyone reading this! I hope you got lots of goodies from the bunny. I know I did.

So sorry I've been MIA lately. I truly had every intention of finishing B&B by today, and had a plethera of icons I planned to make, and subsequently post, but all my wonderful intentions go derailed by...

Thanks to Katie, I've spent almost every free moment obsessively reading all three books in the Twilight Series (by Stephenie Meyer).

For those who don't know what I'm referring to: stop reading this post, run -- don't walk -- to the nearest bookstsore and buy all three (Twilight, New Moon, and Eclipse). Don't bother just trying to buy the first one or even sillier, check it out from your local library, because you'll wish you owned them by page 20. I'm anxiously awaiting for my copies ordered via Amazon.com

Now, for those who have read, you probably understand why I'm borderline psychotic after reading all three books word for word in under 72 hours. It would have had them done sooner if not for silly things like work and the occasional nap. My mind is spinning, reeling, and I'm only barely relieved that I don't have a horribly long time to wait for the fourth book (Aug. 2). God help me had I been reading these books since they first hit the market: I'd be going crazy waiting through the years.

My only problem is that when I become obsessed with something, I go to such extremes. All of my other ships, shows, and projects go flying out the window until my muse can constructively work itself out: dozens of icons or other graphic endeavors, fan fic writing/reading, vidding, etc. I need an outlet to purge my obsession so it hits a 'normal' level.

Problem is, I've never been this obsessed about a book. A TV show or a movie I can find pics/clips of and run with it. Or I can write fanfic. Or, if possible, buy the thing on DVD and watch it and watch it and watch--

Get it?

I've never felt this way about something written, with perhaps the exception of Katie and Ang's Two Guys fics. But even then, I made fanart for it! I had an outlet.

There are probably some of you out there who are wondering how much sleep exactly I've lost at this point and what the hell am I rambling about? Have I totally lost what little shreds of sanity my mind had left? Probably, yes.

The fact remains I need an outlet. *sigh*

But I have no idea what to do.

real life

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