Screw the world

Mar 18, 2008 19:54

It seems to be my mantra lately:

I hate my job.

I know people often have issues with the people they work with, but I have never - in my life - encountered such petty, vindictive, assanine gossips in my life. And that includes my middle school experience.

I'm so effing fed up, it's ridiculous. The bitch at the center of the whole debacle is a toothless, crack-addicted, useless manager who insists on passing judgement on my life and all the other people around me. He enjoys pitting me and my coworkers against each other, likes to see us argue. He has no problems inventing and fueling rumors abd twisting facts. And he's supposed to be in a position of leadership and authority!

Apparently the dumbass never considered that maybe we'd talk to each other and straighten things out the way adults do.

I can't wait until I see him again. I swear, I'm just gonna....

Is murder still illegal in all 50 states? Anyone know?

real life, rant, work

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