Ms. Iz Goes To Washington

Jun 11, 2008 20:42

Just got back from a little day trip to our nation's amazing capital. I can't stress enough how much people need to go there. My friend and I were only able to hit three main museums on The National Mall - the Natural History museum, Air & Space Museum, and the Holocaust museum (which I'd never been to).

It both baffles and horrifies me that people out there don't believe the Holocaust happened. If the overwhelming amount of text, movies, documentaries, etc. weren't enough to convince, then go to the museum.

Walk past the thousands of shoes - the only thing left of some Holocaust victims. Watch the videos of the 'doctors' experimenting on the Jewish children. Go inside the barrack that housed victims in Auchwitz and see where the slept, and died. Hear the haunted voices of the survivors tell of their imprisonment.

The entire experience is one I can't convey in words. They have yet to create a word for how it feels to stand inside a building people needlessly suffered and died in. There is no way to describe the myriad of emotions that slam into you: horror, disbelief, rage, despair... These words are watered down versions of the true emotions I felt.

I think it's important for people to see these things - it's a part of our history. Plus, all the museums are FREE. I recommend grabbing the Metro in, though, to cut down on the headache of trying to park. 

real life

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