You are a very, very bad LJ user if you...

Apr 05, 2010 17:22

... don't credit the icons you snurch.

Seriously, people, this is becoming one of my biggest pet peeves. Not so much people stealing my shit without crediting ('cause that's wrong, too, and I will cut a bitch - got it?), but I hate, hate, HATE when I see an icon I love, go into the posters icon page and they haven't given any credit to the creator. It's happened to me four times today. I found someone using an awesome icon and I wanted to see who the maker was so I could look at the rest of their work, but no credit was given.

Those who have even attempted making an icon or banner or header or wallpaper know what a tedious labor of love it is to get just that perfect cropping, color combo, etc. Icon snurching/grabbing/snagging/borrowing is not cool if you don't credit the maker.

Are we clear?

Thank you.

*gets off soapbox*

icons, rant, livejournal

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