Nov 22, 2006 11:25
There it goes. Out the window. All faith and hope I've had in this country, my country. I feel so betrayed and lied to I...I've been told for years by every fucking conservative, republican, dem-o-crat, fuckin liberal white, black, asian and hispanic person that racism is not a problem. Affirmative action is the reverse because it puts black people (even though affirmative action applies to more than just "black people" that who the argument is about) at an unfair and fucking unneccesary disadvantage. Fuck that. Fuck affirmative action. Fuck welfare. Fuck the army for recruiting in poor black neighborhoods so poor black men can die for a country that doesn't give a flying fuck about them, their families, their lovers, their dreams, their rights to fucking live. Fuck all the institutions and laws and "aids" that don't do shit to actually help pull black, hispanic, asian, and poor people of all races (i'm sorry ifi left anyone out) from the gutters we've been pushed in for centuries. They just perpetuate the idea that black people are lazy and won't do for themselves, never addressing the real issue, the fact that black people can't do for themselves. And not just black people. Poor people. You think this country is set up for all it's citizens? You think we are all equal? Think again. If you ain't got cash, you ain't got nothing. Literally. The elitist pole that is stuck up this countries (and more than just America, believe me) ass is so ingrained in our very way of life that celebrity is gained through money. Poor people are made to feel ashamed for their economic status when actually they're just as rigidly held into place as people of color (not just blacks). Fuck you America. Fuck you for what you've done to women. Fuck you for all that you've done to women for centuries. Fuck you for making women second class citizens in every struggle and fight ever waged against racism and classism and a shitload of other -isms because it was a "seperate fight". It's the same fucking thing. Someone out there decided someone else is inferior. Homosexuality does not make a person a devient, sexually or otherwise. Information that suggets other wise, even science is dated. Think Phrenology.
I say all that so say this. This country has been treading on a thin line of lies, for me at least, since I first saw the cracks and contridictions at an early age. Because Michael Richards can say such horrible things and the country will sigh and say "that crazy fuck" (if they're progressive)and treat this as if this is one man with one opinion, I have fallen to pieces. Because people will see this as a black white thing I have given up.
I'm not going to check comments on this, because I can't handle (at this point at least) finding out that someone I care for deeply makes light of this issue. But I want to challenge the two or two and a half people (hahaha) who actually read this thing to read a people's history of the vietnam war by Jonathan Neals. Amazing. Read Yo mama's dysfunktional. Or don't.