I think the novelty of this generation has worn off on me.
- I finally liked Nick after his episode only to have him do nothing worthwhile after it. He's just playing a total boozehound who says random/stupid shit ala Rider and it's not a good look.
- I'm surprised Liv, who is my favorite, has any lining inside her nose considering all she does is snort coke every 3 minutes. Seriously, I can understand wanting to get fucked up as much as the next person, but use in moderation please.
- Matty. No comment. I used to think he was so mysterious and gorgeous, but he turned out to be not deep at all.
- Rich and Grace's whole "let's get married after we've known each other for a few weeks" has ruined their story line for me. I honestly don't care about them anymore.
- Never been a big Mini fan, but I like that she's trying to be a good friend to Franky.
- Alo is the only one I don't have a problem with. He's very chill and he's always there to help a friend. The writers are not doing much with him in terms of relationship entanglements so maybe that's why I like him so much. The writers haven't tried to fuck his shit up yet with the drama. I'm sure that will change with next season.
Some of this became invalid after I finished watching the finale.
Nick did end up saying something meaningful ( I loved his and Alo's interaction). Grace and Rich didn't get married, therefore, they remained flawless. I now understand why Liv was doing so much drugs. I personally don't think Matty is worth it, but I guess it shows how deeply she loves or how dense she really is. I guess I'm one of those people that isn't oppose to Matty/Franky. I don't know, I just find them to be endearing. People think that Matty is gonna fuck Franky up, but in all honesty, the girl is not this fragile person that needs to be protected and coddled from all the bad in the world. She's JUST AS FUCKED UP-- IF NOT MORE SO-- as he is. They would compliment each other and I think they both know that.
I do hope that next season is longer, because if they writers are gonna give Franky/Matty a go AND showcase some Franky/Mini, I'm gonna need more than 7 episodes or it's gonna feel so rushed and contrived. Great finale! I was left with warm feelings after watching it. No one died and the non-wedding reception was lovely.