My whole thing is I want to like Damon. I really do. And when he's hanging out with other dudes, I do like him. I loved the exchange between Damon and Stefan at the beginning of the ep. I like when he and Alaric go on little adventures together, even though I don't have any strong feelings about Alaric either way. I just hate how he suddenly develops these irrational romantic attachments to every woman who'll give him the time of day. I like when he's doing evil things for no reason. 'Pire up, buddy. I hate when he's all needy. He's like,
"Excuse me, miss, do you know what time it is?" "Quarter after three." "Run away with me. We'll save each other." "Um...excuse me?" "I love you." "I'm gonna go somewhere else now." *angst*
As far as Tyler goes, I can't stand disloyalty. Hate it in real life, don't like it in fictional characters. I feel like, especially in something as basic and straightforward as a primetime soap, human relationships are governed by a system of emotional debt and credit. Tyler owes Caroline hardcore, and when she needed him to pay up, he was all, "Sorry, I don't have any cash."
I want to like Damon too. I hate despising half of my ship, but I can't get behind a character like this and I feel like if Damon wasn't played by Ian most of the fandom would wash their hands of him as well. I have to say that I like Damon the most when he's being smart about thing. I differ from you because I don't like it when he's just killing people because he can. Now if he's like Elijah-- ripping out hearts because it serves a purpose then okay. I UNDERSTAND THAT. Damon...not so much.
I agree with your thoughts on Tyler. I'm like you, if you let me down, I won't even argue about, I'll just wash my hands of you. Tyler really dug himself in a hole. I hadn't really thought about Caroline helping him during his transformation but when I did, I got even more pissed. Because Caroline knew she could have died if Tyler bit her, but she was there for him because he needed her. In the end he should have stepped up for her. Even though she knew who killed Mason, it's not like she did it. And she's been trying to keep him safe from crazy ass Damon. He doesn't know just how lucky he is.
"Excuse me, miss, do you know what time it is?"
"Quarter after three."
"Run away with me. We'll save each other."
"Um...excuse me?"
"I love you."
"I'm gonna go somewhere else now."
As far as Tyler goes, I can't stand disloyalty. Hate it in real life, don't like it in fictional characters. I feel like, especially in something as basic and straightforward as a primetime soap, human relationships are governed by a system of emotional debt and credit. Tyler owes Caroline hardcore, and when she needed him to pay up, he was all, "Sorry, I don't have any cash."
I agree with your thoughts on Tyler. I'm like you, if you let me down, I won't even argue about, I'll just wash my hands of you. Tyler really dug himself in a hole. I hadn't really thought about Caroline helping him during his transformation but when I did, I got even more pissed. Because Caroline knew she could have died if Tyler bit her, but she was there for him because he needed her. In the end he should have stepped up for her. Even though she knew who killed Mason, it's not like she did it. And she's been trying to keep him safe from crazy ass Damon. He doesn't know just how lucky he is.
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