Oh dear god the feminazi's are out!

Dec 16, 2008 22:43

My friend vy sent me this earlier


i found myself completely unable to make it past the first paragraph
it's written by a VERY feminist person who has extreme views one of which is her definition of rape:-

I believe in the radical feminist definition of rape. That is that men who pressure women into sex are rapists. That women who are pressured are not freely consenting and are therefore being raped. There have been a few discussions recently in the rad fem blogosphere debating whether all male initiated sex is rape, given that women are politically, socially and economically subordinate to men. So, in my understanding of Joss Whedon as a rapist is hinges on my definition of rape. I would argue that most 'sex' between men and women, in the contemporary 'sex-positive', pornographic, male-supremacist culture, is rape.

basically all sex between heterosexul couples is rape then.

i find that disgusting! rape is a horrible thing that ruins peoples lives, and sex does not do that!

it is people like this that give feminists a bad name and ultimatly it is this kind of person that generates the abuse that is directed towards them. extremes like this are wrong and can lead to terrible things

if anyone else has views on this please feel free to say but i find this appaling!

feminazi feminist

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