wednesday reads n' things

May 06, 2020 11:16

What I'm currently reading:

I'm about halfway through A Very Stable Genius, which is an account of the presidency-so-far of the man currently in the White House written by two Washington Post investigative reporters, Philip Rucker and Carol Leonnig. I had read a pre-publication excerpt in the WaPo, and decided I wanted to read the book when it came out. I forgot about it until a few weeks ago, when my sister-in-law turned 50 and requested in lieu of gifts, she wanted people to buy books online from the bookstore where she works, so that it would be able to stay in business and she'd continue to have a job. (Incidentally, my brother - her husband - works for Amazon, on Alexa tech stuff. It's a source of great amusement and exasperation in the family!) Anyway, I ordered this book, and I'm really enjoying it so far, for a value of "enjoy" that is a bit grim as it's mostly confirming how ignorant Trump is about the job he's in, and how the administration is basically divided between those who gleefully use this to push their agenda and those who set their teeth and tried to mitigate things to keep the country running. I've just read about the firing-by-tweet-while-in-Africa of Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, who is not someone I ever thought I'd sympathize with but who seems to have been in the latter group. Anyway, it is actually perfect reading for me right now, because I hadn't been able to concentrate on fiction due to current events, but this is entirely pre-Covid while still being relevant and newsy and interesting.

What I'm currently watching:

We are in the home stretch of Outlander - two more saved episodes to watch, and then the end of the season is on Sunday night, I think. The last three episodes have really underlined just how female-gazy this show is, with a lot of manly men having emotional problems that they finally talk about with their manly men friends, or physical problems that are solved by the women in their lives who are more capable than they are. B gets kind of teary watching it, which makes my heart just go awwww, but then again he is a manly man who doesn't shy away from emotional talk, and also gets turned on by his wife's competence, so.

What I'm watching next:

The new season of The Last Kingdom! Or possibly the new season of Westworld! So much out there to watch!

What I'm currently playing:

Still TSIOQUE and Star Stealing Prince. I'm finding myself unable to progress much on either without hints and walkthroughs, which is a bit annoying, because I love the feeling of figuring stuff out on my own. Some of the TSIOQUE puzzles remind me a bit of Day of the Tentacle, stuff that is weirdly obscure, like turning up the volume on a magic TV to annoy the wizard to get him to come shut it off and put the magic wand into a hidden drawer, so you can open the drawer later to get something else. Crossposted from isis at Dreamwidth where there are
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