wednesday reads n' things

Apr 29, 2020 15:39

What I've recently finished reading:

I finished The Westerosi by
Mal3, the novel-length A Song of Ice and Fire fanfic that I mentioned last week. This is a sort of crossover with Star Trek (in that the protagonist is an original character who is a Starfleet Ranger, and there is mention of some concepts from Star Trek and of Winona Kirk) with a few references to The Martian (though it's not a crossover in that way, or even really a fusion, just an homage). It's basically the events of A Game of Thrones as observed by a Starfleet Ranger who crash-landed near Winterfell shortly before King Robert's visit, and of course you can't observe without altering, so it's much more than a simple retelling. My favorite thing about it is the worldbuilding: it's basically a fanwank (in the old-school sense) of the ASoIaF worldbuilding from the POV of a member of a technological society reverse-engineering the apparent magical aspects of an unusual planet, with science-fictional explanations for weirwoods and greenseers and the cockamamie seasonal cycle. I really did enjoy it, although it could have used a bit of editing toward the end. Not sure if I'll read the sequel, as it appears to be a (perhaps permanent?) WIP.

What I'm currently watching:

Outlander! I forgot to mention it last week but I really dislike this season's version of the theme song. Boo.

What I'm currently playing:

Still TSIOQUE. Also, I went back to Star Stealing Prince, which
batman had recommended a while back - I'd played a bit of it but somehow hadn't managed to save it, oops, so I had to start over, but I think I got the hang of it. So far the best part is talking to snowmen. Crossposted from isis at Dreamwidth where there are
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