dear chocolatier!

Jan 05, 2020 18:35

Dear writer or artist! Thank you for offering to create a fanwork for one of these sources. As long as you generally stick with things I like and avoid things I dislike, I will love your story or artwork even if it doesn't take on any of my vague prompts, which are only suggestions. I am

Isis on AO3.

The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance
Dark Matter (TV)
The Priory of the Orange Tree - Samantha Shannon
Tempur-Pedic "Agent of Sleep" Spec Commercial
Wiedźmin | The Witcher (Video Game)
Crossovers (Harrowhark/Rey, Yennefer/Morrigan)

Some general stuff about my tastes (likes and DNWS):

I like historical (if appropriate) and worldbuildy detail, scenery porn, what-if AUs, original characters (along with, not instead of, any requested ones, unless otherwise specified), strong canonical feel, time travel, bodyswap, ghost/afterlife stories, mythological and supernatural elements, and magical realism. As you can probably tell from my specific fandom details, the setting and worldbuilding are as important to me as the characters, so I'm not a fan of AU that completely changes the setting, but if you have a brilliant idea, go for it; I would prefer "interesting" to "mundane" AUs, e.g., in SPAAAACE yes, coffeeshop no. (Coffeeshop in SPAAAACE, okay!). Except as noted, I would like happy endings and no major character death (unless it's canonical and results in ghost-fic).

Sex and relationships: Please don't break up any specified relationships (if they're not canonical, please don't put the characters in relationships other than the ones I've mentioned I like) or add in any unrequested background non-canonical relationship. (Canonical background relationships are fine.) Explicit sex is okay, non-explicit sex is okay, no sex is okay, but any sex should be in believable language for that era or fandom and there should be more to the story than just PWP. UST, het, slash, femslash, whatever; obviously for &-pairings I'm looking for gen. It's all good. I prefer sex scenes that focus on emotions and perceptions rather than on the mechanics of what goes where, and I am rather vanilla in my preferences where kink is concerned: mouths, hands, genitals, toys, all are fine, but I'm not into BSDM or bloodplay or watersports or anything that you would specifically tag as a kink. I like kissing, touching, oral sex, penetrative sex, non-penetrative sex, frottage, intracrural, pegging, mutual masturbation, outdoor sex, indoor sex, and pretty much any position two bodies can contort themselves into.

I generally prefer plot (as in, things happening; doesn't have to be elaborate or long - as contrasted with character studies), past tense, either third person or first person narration, and lots of dialogue. But these are just preferences, and if you have a brilliant idea that requires second person or present tense, go ahead. My only hard preferences, where I DNW otherwise, are for conventional pronouns, capitalization, and punctuation.

For art requests I am happier with AU than in fic. I am totally fine with simple portraits, though if you want to show the characters interacting, I have a soft spot for art in which one character is doing something typical-but-alarming, and the other is rolling his or her eyes, or reacting with horror, or getting ready to douse them with a bucket of water, or whatever. I am fine with only mildly shippy art (or even objectively unshippy art) as long as both characters are in it and I can imagine them in a relationship! I prefer R-rated art to NC17-rated art, and I'm totally happy with G-rated art. I like line drawings as well as full color. Stylistically, I love interesting and experimental compositions, unusual perspectives, emphasis on textures such as hair and clothing, and scenery porn (Mountains! Trees! Cliffs with water crashing on them! Brooding ruins of an ancient castle!). I really like stylized artwork that depends on a limited color scheme, and not-too-detailed sketches that feel dynamic. I like art-pastiche such as playing cards and tarot cards, posters, and so on.

DNW: artwork that depicts explicit sex with visible genitals (naked breasts are okay). DNW fic or art focusing on pregnancy, noncanonical children of the characters, or with the A/B/O trope. DNW anything that contradicts the interpretation of characters as the gender they present in canon. DNW noncon (though sex-pollenish dubious consent is fine) except as specified for particular relationships. DNW unconventional pronouns (please use they/them for nonbinary characters) and nonstandard capitalization or punctuation.

The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance

Tavra & The Ascendancy

I'm fascinated by the Ascendancy, and especially Tavra's return to herself even while the Arathim Threader is still attached to her; all the other Gelfling who were controlled didn't remember what happened during their possession, but she is apparently in communication with the Ascendancy as well as being in control of herself. I'd love to read a tiny bit of worldbuilding having to do with her relationship to her Threader and to the rest of the Ascendancy.

What is it like being part of a hive mind? Does the Threader have its own separate persona that she is in contact with, or is it only a conduit? Does she remember her actions during her possession before she comes to herself? How much of Tavra's persona has the Ascendancy absorbed - does it see the Gelfling differently now? Feel free to set things entirely canonically or AU her death, or explore her death - does she now live within the hive mind? (This is an exception to my major character death DNW.)

I've requested only fic for this fandom, but art treats are welcome. Please see above for my art likes.

DNW exception for this fandom: Tavra/any not-her-sibling female Gelfling is fine with me, and I am fine with her canonical death being a focus of the fic. back to general likes/DNWs

Dark Matter (TV)

Five | Das & The Android (Dark Matter)
Five | Das & Six | Griffin Jones (Dark Matter)
Nyx Harper/Two | Portia Lin (Dark Matter (TV))

I binged this show this past fall, and I'm so sad it got canceled. I especially love the found-family aspects, and I've asked for my favorite characters in various combinations. I'm asking for either art or fic for this fandom.

Five & Six: I love their pseudo parent-child relationship! Six is really paternal toward her, but he also recognizes that she won't take any shit from him. I would love to see them on a mission together, or a missing scene after any of the big show revelations (especially the one about his past) where they are coming to grips with things. For art, I would like something cozy and domestic, or maybe at a terminal together (because Five is showing Six how to do something) or one giving the other a present.

Five & the Android: I like their relationship partly because Android's learning to human just as Five is learning to adult. They both have gaps in their knowledge, but also, surprising depth of knowledge and ability. I would love to see a bit of far-future interaction, or Android protecting Five, or a missing scene from their adventures on past-Earth. For art, fighting back-to-back against an enemy, or hacking a computer together?

Nyx/Two: Gorgeous bad-ass women, what more is there to say? Fighting against a common foe, sparring against each other, or making out against the wall in the Raza, art or fic. I would love a ficlet about one of them teaching the other something new, or telling the other a secret from her past. back to general likes/DNWs

The Priory of the Orange Tree - Samantha Shannon

Arteloth Beck & Margret Beck
Arteloth Beck/Marosa Vetalda

This dense book had a lot in it, and alas the parts that were less fleshed out were exactly the parts I was most interested in! I am asking for either art or fic for this fandom.

Arteloth Beck was the most interesting of Queen Sabran's courtiers, to me. His relationship with his sister was lovely and kind of sad; he's the heir to the Leas province and Goldenbirch estate, but he'd rather be at court, while she loves the country and would make a better administrator of the Goldenbirch. Could they come to an arrangement somehow so they would both be happy? Or give me a moment from their childhood, or at court.

I also really ship Loth with Marosa Vetalda. She rescued him and counted on him to rescue her; she must have been miserable and scared in Yscalin under the rule of the Nameless One. I would love to see them happy together somehow after the events of the novel. Or perhaps a stolen moment missing scene as they plan his escape.

I loved Tané's story: her ambition, her mistake, her success, her downfall; the revelation about her ancestry, her relationship with her dragon Nayimathun, and her redemption and reward. What if she seeks out the Golden Empress to stop the trade in dragonflesh, and in doing so falls in love with her daughter Ghonra, who the Golden Empress is grooming as her successor? I'd love to see more about Ghonra, who is clearly as bloodthirsty a pirate as her mother, finding a new moral center with Tané.

I would love art of any of these couples against the medievalish background of the book! Arteloth and Margret at court; Arteloth and Marosa against the hellscape of Cárscaro under the Nameless One, or in a restored Cárscaro afterward, or in any scene from their interactions in the novel; Tané and Ghonra with Nayimathun, or on a sailing ship. back to general likes/DNWs

Tempur-Pedic "Agent of Sleep" Spec Commercial

Man in Hoodie/Man in Leather Jacket (Agent of Sleep)

(Available at I watched this like six times in a row. It's adorable! And I want the whole story: why are these guys chasing each other? What is their relationship to each other? And, most importantly: what happens after they wake up?

Maybe Hoodie Guy is a wanted criminal, and Leather Jacket is the FBI or equivalent agent pursuing him. Maybe they work for rival firms, or are in rival gangs, or are rivals within the same organization. Maybe they're brothers! (I'm not particularly into incest, but if that's what you see here, that's fine with me.) Maybe they try to have an affair, after this, but keep falling asleep when they get together. Maybe they are embarrassed about having fallen asleep together and keep denying their relationship until they can't anymore. Maybe they discover they can only sleep when they're in each other's arms! Whatever you choose, I'd like the humor of the situation to be foregrounded.

I've requested only fic for this fandom, but art treats are welcome. Please see above for my art likes. back to general likes/DNWs

Wiedźmin | The Witcher (Video Game)

Cirilla Fiona Ellen Riannon/Cerys an Craite
Astrid | Skjall's Sister/Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon
Bea/Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon
Elihal & Jaskier | Dandelion
Elihal/Éibhear Hattori

In my playthrough I got the Witcher Ciri ending and made Cerys queen, but feel free to write or draw whatever versions of these characters you prefer. I'm asking for either art or fic for this fandom.

Ciri/Cerys: Ciri and Cerys are both smart and strong, and I think they'd make a great couple, though I bet sparks will fly when they disagree. I think all combinations of outcome for both Ciri and Cerys have possibilities. Witcher Ciri takes on a contract to find the missing Queen Cerys? Empress Ciri on a state visit to Skellige? Ciri and Cerys having a friendly hunting competition? For art, I would adore seeing them in a hunting camp together: maybe one's skinning a rabbit for dinner and the other is trying to distract her. Maybe they're undressing each other from formal attire. Or taking a shower together under a waterfall, or in a sauna. Or fighting shoulder-to-shoulder against a common foe.

Astrid/Ciri: I wrote the first Astrid/Ciri on AO3! But I would love to see another take on it, perhaps an established relationship, or a different get-together. Maybe Astrid is upset and resentful about Skjall's death, and it takes her a while to get past that. For art, I would love a sauna scene! Or taking a shower together under a waterfall. Or anything with the glorious Skellige scenery in the background.

Bea/Ciri: to be honest, I hadn't considered this until I saw it in the tagset, but she's cute, and they have a backstory! Maybe give me a scene of Bea helping Ciri in Novigrad, or perhaps Ciri coming back after game events - can you imagine how hard it would be for a barmaid to discover her girlfriend's going to be Empress of Nilfgaard? For art, maybe something in the Golden Sturgeon, or at the Novigrad docks, or something else grounded in that part of the game.

Elihal & Dandelion: I'd just love to see them interacting. Maybe Dandelion's getting his performers outfitted with costumes, or Elihal thinks Dandelion's clothes need an update and has a grand plan. Or show me them enjoying "friendship and fine wine", as Dandelion says in his journal. Any of this would make great art, but oh, I would especially love to see an annoyed Dandelion being fitted for a ridiculous outfit by Elihal!

Elihal/Éibhear Hattori: This is another pairing I never thought of until I saw it in the tagset and suddenly went OOOH. Dumplings! Swords! Fancy dress! Maybe Elihal brings his shears to Hattori for sharpening and Hattori woos him with dumplings? Maybe they collaborate on a special jacket that can hide knives? Art of one of them plying his trade and the other being bored, or amused, or putting up with being a guinea pig would be awesome!

DNW exception for this fandom: I am okay with background or implied Geralt/Yen or Geralt/Triss. back to general likes/DNWs

Crossovers (Harrowhark/Rey, Yennefer/Morrigan)

Harrowhark Nonagesimus (Gideon the Ninth)/Rey (Star Wars)
Yennefer of Vengerberg (The Witcher (Video Game))/Morrigan (Dragon Age (Video Games))

For both of these relationships, I am okay with either / or & works. I am super easy to please with crossovers because I'm mostly just fascinated by the idea of these characters meeting and getting together. Don't feel you have to do the worldbuilding needed to make it happen - but if you want to, I would love that as well! I'm asking for either art or fic.

Harrow/Rey: I saw this in the tagset and made grabby hands. Is the Emperor Undying actually Palpatine? Is Rey the girl in the tomb? Give me the AU where it's Harrow and Rey at the end of TRoS, each using their own abilities to take down the Emperor. I will take Harrow either pre or post GtN, with or without Gideon in her head. I would love to see these characters either in opposition (before they fall for each other...) or working together. For art, any of this illustrated would be amazing, especially a fight scene against a common foe where they are fighting with bones and lightsaber! Please note that I am only a casual Star Wars fan and will not recognize characters or places from anything other than the movies.

Yennefer/Morrigan: ooh, two black-haired morally-dubious witches! Again, I'd love to see them fighting a common foe (from either canon) - or fighting each other, at first, before realizing they could be allies. Maybe one ends up in the other's world, and enlists the other's help to return? Or maybe they knew each other at Aretuza? Any way you want to smush the DA and the Witcher worlds together is fine with me. I've played all the DA games as well as W2 and W3, so don't worry about spoiling me. For art, any of this illustrated would be incredible.

DNW exception for Yen/Morrigan: I am okay with a fic centered on Yennefer's canonical desire for a baby coming up against the reality of Kieran, and discussion of getting pregnant is fine, but I still don't want focus on the actual pregnancy. back to general likes/DNWs

Crossposted from isis at Dreamwidth where there are
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