three things

Jul 02, 2019 10:10


Fish: This makes me think of Jane Siberry's song "Extra Executives" where she says, "One time I asked him if he liked grouper fish, and he didn't know whether I wanted to hear that he ate them, or just admired them." I like to watch fish while I snorkel or dive, and I like to eat them, too! Though having lived on a boat I am reluctant to eat ocean fish here in Colorado, because my standards for "fresh" have changed. There's a couple who live here in the winter and who own a boat and fish for salmon in Alaska in the summers, who freeze their catch and truck it here to be picked up in September, and I've been buying from them for a few years. Also when we camp B fishes for trout in the streams and lakes here, which I will also happily eat.

Sky: The blue of the sky in Colorado is the prettiest blue sky ever. Also now that we have moved out of downtown to a ridge, we have a bigger sky and a better view of sunrises and sunsets over the mountains. I love looking at the sky from here! (Icon keywords are 'fraser blue sky' which is why I chose it for this post.)

Book: I am fascinated by the multiplicity of meanings this word has. You can read a book, you can book a ticket, you can book it to get to the station on time, and when the cop catches you speeding (because you were booking it) you might get booked, and share a cell with a bookie who makes book. (Book book book! No longer looks like a real word.)

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