Q1 2019 comments

Apr 03, 2019 10:05

I've been tracking my comments since last January (and my kudos since last July), and posting quarterly handwaving analyses. This is for comments received January-March 2019.

Total comments: 44 threads/commenters, which is far less than the last two quarters, but more than either Q1 or Q2 2018. Of course, I’ve got more stories now; of the 28 individual stories commented on (which by the way is only one more than the number for Q1 2018), six were posted during 2018 and seven in the first quarter of 2019 (four new stories and three reposts from LJ), for a total of 13 stories that weren’t there last year, and at the end of March I had 273 works total on AO3.

The four stories posted January-March, plus the three of my six reposts that got comments, account for 16/44 or 36% of the comment threads; adding in the comments on two of my Yuletide stories (which were posted December 25th) brings “comments on recent stories” to 24/44, or 55% (or “about half,” which seems to be typical, looking at past quarters). Still, 20 comments on older stories over the last three months is a bit better than one a week.

Of the 28 stories commented on, 16 are at least one year old. The oldest story commented on this quarter was the HP fic “Ouroboros”, of which the commenter said (among other nice things), “Holy fuck this was from 2003?” Yep. :-)

Speaking of weird comments, on “Under Unfamiliar Skies”, the Dragon Age/Witcher crossover I wrote for Crossovering, I received a comment that contained nothing about that story, but instead was an incoherent (probably ESL, to be fair) demand that I write another story with a particular plot: Make another story where alistar become king nilfgard win war on north and mages create portal into ferelden and with help of king alistar build witcher school or turn soldier peak into witcher school as miracle orphans in training as witchers dont die in proces of transformation into witchers another story probaly become witcher become herald of andraste . Yeah, I don’t think so, buddy.

I got many lovely comments from you, and from people I know through Discord. One lovely person left comments on several of my old Eagle of the Ninth fics. Two comments mentioned they were re-reads. Four stories were exchange gifts, and all the recipients commented (yay).

The story that got the most comments this period (6!) was “Scoundrels and Dragons”, a Strange the Dreamer story written for Yuletide 2018 and so still quite new. But I was really pleased to get 3 new comments on the Twelfth Night story “An Untangled Knot”, which was posted in October for Femslashex so not quite so new. The only other older story to get multiple (2) comments this period was “Closing the Triangle”, my Outlander OT3 story, which I wrote back in 2010. (It’s one of my most popular stories by any measure, though it only became so after the TV show started airing!)

In conclusion, I am grateful to each and every person who reads my fic and leaves a comment to tell me what they thought. ♥

Crossposted from isis at Dreamwidth where there are
comments. | Comment at Dreamwidth

fandom, navel-gazing, statistics, feedback

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