Thank you for creating a fanwork for me in the Worldbuilding Exchange! As long as you generally stick with things I like and avoid things I dislike, I will enjoy your work even if it doesn't take on any of my prompts, which are only suggestions. I have requested any format (fic, in-universe meta, or art) for all my requested fandoms. I am
Isis on AO3.
The Chrysalids - John Wyndham (The uncivilized world post-Tribulation, The Fringes) Circe - Madeline Miller (The nature of magic) Jane Unlimited - Kristin Cashore (alternate universes, Zorsted) Realm of the Elderlings - Robin Hobb (The Skill) Some general stuff about my tastes:
For this exchange I'm more interested in gen works, though relationships (het, slash, femslash) are fine if they don't contradict my DNWs and aren't the main focus of the story or art. I like scenery porn, historical and worldbuildy detail, strong canonical feel, and crossovers, though if you choose to incorporate a crossover, please make sure I know the other fandom (check my fic, or
my Goodreads 'read' shelf), and please put the focus on the requested fandom. I would like happy endings and no major character death.
I generally prefer plot (as in, things happening; doesn't have to be elaborate or long - as contrasted with character studies), past tense (either first person or third person - I usually don't like second person), and lots of dialogue. But these are preferences, not hard DNWs, and if you have a brilliant idea that requires second person or present tense, go ahead. My only hard preferences are for conventional pronouns (he/she/they as appropriate), capitalization, and punctuation. I'm happy with epistolary fic, and if you want to create interactive fiction (second person is fine for this, or otherwise as you prefer), go for it!
I would love art for any of these fandoms! Stylistically, I love interesting and experimental compositions, unusual perspectives, emphasis on textures such as hair and clothing, and scenery porn (Mountains! Trees! Cliffs with water crashing on them! Brooding ruins of an ancient castle!) and I like line drawings as well as full color.
DNW: For all these fandoms, I do not want fic focusing on pregnancy or characters' children (mentions of either are fine), A/B/O or BSDM dynamics, or major character death. I do not want fic that uses unconventional pronouns (e.g. 'xie') or nonstandard capitalization or punctuation.
(I have abbreviated what I usually write for this section due to the limited focus of this exchange, but you can
check out my other Dear Creator letters if you want to see a fuller list of general likes and dislikes.)
The Chrysalids - John Wyndham:
Original character(s), Any or No Characters, WB: The uncivilized world post-Tribulation, WB: The Fringes
I love the little hints of actual geography, how Rigo must be Rigolet and Lark is Lark Harbour and Newf is of course Newfoundland. (According to Wikipedia, Waknuk is actually the town of Wabush.) I am fascinated by the way the fundamentalist religion has taken over the townspeople's lives, and about the lives of the Fringes people, and it makes me wonder what else is going on in different places in this post-apocalyptic future.
I'd be particularly interested in a sailor's adventures: Uncle Axel's, maybe, or the ones who came close to shore in his tales, or completely original sailors either from Rigo or elsewhere. I'd love to see excerpts from logbooks or sketches from journals of the strange and horrible sights of the Fringes, the Badlands, or other places outside the "civilized world." Art of Deviations or Blasphemies from the Fringes or the Badlands would be very cool as well.
Or a traveler’s adventure elsewhere in the uncivilized world, maybe western North America or Europe. How does it differ from "the civilized world" that we see in the book? Again, I'd also love any sort of art about the things in these unknown places, or journal excerpts incorporating art.
DNW non-canonical relationships involving canon characters other than Petra/OC. Exception for this fandom: nonstandard orthography may be used in extracts of writings/diaries.
General likes Circe - Madeline Miller:
Circe, Any or No Characters, WB: the nature of magic
I was fascinated by the way Circe worked magic - the use of herbs, but also her own will and emotions, and sometimes her subliminal desires. I’d love to learn more about how the shedding of titans’ blood causes magical plants to grow, and how that interacts with Circe’s nature as a nymph, and her heritage from Perse and Helios. A scholarly treatise on the workings of nymph-magic would be delightful, or more about Circe's explorations and experiments.
I am happy with gen or with any canon ships, or with Circe/Penelope (I’d love Circe teaching Penelope magic!) or Circe/original character (male or female). Original nymph or human women characters are particularly welcome on Aiaia - we know what happens to men there. :-) For art, I’d particularly love drawings of the magical flowers and herbs of Aiaia, either as a landscape or as an extract of an herbarium or catalog. I also would love an illustration of the steps of a magical transformation.
The character's canonical children are an exception to my general DNW listed above.
General likes Jane Unlimited - Kristin Cashore:
Any or No Characters, Original Character(s), Aunt Magnolia, Jane, Jasper, WB: alternate universes, WB: Zorsted
What I liked best about this book is the way that it begins in what is seemingly our normal world (though later it's revealed to be an alternate!) and then gradually gets stranger and stranger, through various possible endings. I would love to see Zorsted explored further, or adventures in a completely different reality.
I’d be interested in anything about the world of Zorsted, where Jasper’s from. Aunt Magnolia’s adventures there, or Jasper/Steen’s search for his human, or original characters (human or strayhound!) would be fantastic. Art of Zorsted, or of the painting-portal, would be very cool, as would a scholarly work on the strayhounds of Zorsted.
I also loved the first Mrs. Thrash’s portal to alternate dimensions. Anything exploring the dimensions in the book, invented dimensions, the miniature velociraptors, how dimensions differ from each other, how to reach them or construct a portal - that whole section in the book had so many possibilities! For art, maybe something showing the differences between universes?
I ship Jane/Ivy and DNW other relationships for either of them in the book’s main timeline, though other relationships in other universes are fine.
General likes Realm of the Elderlings - Robin Hobb:
Any or No Characters, Original Character(s), WB: The Skill
I love this series, especially the main Fool and Fitz books, but also the Liveship books. There are so many nifty fantasy aspects, including the Skill and its manifestations. Where does it come from? The Fool suggests it has to do with dragons. What determines if someone can only use it for simple telepathy or if they can use its more powerful aspects? Is Thick’s lack of intelligence related to his strong Skill? How does Nettle enter dreams? Perhaps cultures in either the past or the future (or elsewhere in the world) developed rules for the Skilled, to prevent them from misusing their abilities, particularly the ability to plant suggestions into others’ heads. What other types of Skill might there be?
I don’t know how art would work here - maybe diagrams of the “science of Skill” or an image of what one person sends and the other sees? If you’ve got an idea, I’d love to see it!
Canon or original characters are fine. DNW non-canonical relationships for canon characters other than Fitz/Fool (which is fine as Fitz/Amber also). Fitz’s canon relationships are fine.
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