dear femslashex writer or artist!

Aug 16, 2018 17:20

Dear writer or artist! Thank you for offering to create a fanwork for one of my requests. As long as you generally stick with things I like and avoid things I dislike, I will be happy with your story or artwork even if it doesn't take on any of my prompts, which are only suggestions. I am

Isis on AO3.

I have made some prompts and suggestions, but feel free to take things in whatever direction you like and/or include characters I haven't mentioned. I like: historical/worldbuildy detail, scenery porn, ghost stories, supernatural elements, what-if AUs, original characters, outsider POV, competent women behaving competently, and first times (for sex or for other things). I like crossovers, but please make sure, if you write one, that I know the other fandom. My favorite tropes are time travel, bodyswap, and afterlife stories, though I'm perfectly happy with an entirely canonical scenario. The setting and worldbuilding are as important to me as the charactersso in general I'm not a fan of AU that completely changes the setting, but if you have a brilliant idea, go for it; I would prefer "interesting" to "mundane" AUs, e.g., in SPAAAACE yes, coffeeshop no. (Coffeeshop in SPAAAACE, okay!). I would like happy endings (not necessarily Happily Ever After, just, you know, temporary happiness) and no major character death unless it’s part of an afterlife scenario or ghost-related.

For fic, I generally prefer plot (as in, things happening; doesn't have to be elaborate or long - as contrasted with character studies), past tense (either first person or third person - I don't like second person), and lots of dialogue. Epistolary fic is fine. These are preferences, not hard DNWs, and if you have a brilliant idea that requires second person or present tense, go ahead. (In particular, for books in present tense, I am okay with it in fic.) My only hard preferences are for conventional pronouns, capitalization, and punctuation.

For art, I like AU more than I do in fic, though I prefer canon settings. I am totally fine with simple portraits, though if you want to show characters interacting, I have a soft spot for art in which one character is doing something typical-but-alarming, and the other is rolling her eyes, or reacting with horror, or getting ready to douse the other with a bucket of water, or whatever. I am fine with only mildly shippy art (or even objectively unshippy art) as long as both characters are in it and I can imagine them in a relationship! I like line drawings as well as full color. Stylistically, I love interesting and experimental compositions, unusual perspectives, emphasis on textures such as hair and clothing, and scenery porn (Mountains! Trees! Cliffs with water crashing on them! Brooding ruins of an ancient castle!) and I like line drawings as well as full color.

For fic, I’m perfectly happy with G or T ratings. If you choose to write a sex scene, I prefer those that focus on emotions and perceptions rather than on the mechanics of what goes where, and it should be in believable language for the source. I would prefer if there is more to the story than just PWP. I am rather vanilla in my preferences where kink is concerned: mouths, hands, genitals, toys, all are fine, but I'm not into BSDM or bloodplay or watersports or anything that might get a special tag. I like kissing, touching, oral sex, penetrative sex, frottage, pegging, mutual masturbation, outdoor sex, indoor sex, and pretty much any position two bodies can contort themselves into. DNW pregnancy or kidfic.

For art, I prefer M-rated art to E-rated art, and I'm totally happy with (and generally prefer) lower-rated art.

DNW: I do not want fic focusing on pregnancy or children (mentions of either are fine), A/B/O or BSDM dynamics, or major character death other than as noted in specific requests. I do not want fic that uses unconventional pronouns (e.g. 'xie'), or nonstandard capitalization or punctuation.

Dandelion Dynasty: Princess Kikomi/Gin Mazoti (fic)

I had a mixed reaction to this book, but I loved the fantasy-Asia setting and the meddling gods and goddesses, as well as the theme of conflict between the ideals of innate nobility and personal merit. One thing that irritated me, though, was that the clever and beautiful Princess Kikomi inexplicably goes along with what is essentially blackmail, rather than telling the rebels what’s what and scheming with them to oppose the empire. Her death seemed stupid to me, not tragic, and I finished the book wishing for that AU version in which Kikomi and Gin Mazoti become lovers, kill both Kuni and Mata, and rule Dara together. You don’t have to write that exactly, of course - it would be a whole book on its own - but anything along those lines, or any part of it, would be delightful.

(I have not read the second book in this series, but don’t mind spoilers if you draw from it.)

Jane, Unlimited: Jane/Ivy (fic, art)

My wants for this fandom are as varied as the book! How about a fic showing Jane and Ivy’s relationship progressing after the end of any of the possible futures? (Even the one where Jane’s trapped by Tu Reviens - maybe Ivy figures out how to get her out!) Or an adventure in any of the book’s realities, or a new one that you’ve invented - or even in our world, where Kermit is, get this, green. One of the reviews I saw pointed out that each section is actually in a different genre, so I’d love to see another possible future in yet another genre. It would be awesome to learn more about Ivy’s secret-agent life, or see her using her Scrabble powers for good in some wacky way. Or have Jane make an umbrella for Ivy. For artwork, how about showing Ivy and Jane in a strange reality, or with miniature velociraptors flying around them, or something playing on the art in the book?

(As the novel is in present tense, if you’re creating fic feel free to write in present tense, but don’t feel obliged to, either!)

Westworld: Armistice/Hanaryo (fic, art)

I loved the brilliant mirror-image Edo AU of the gunfight and heist at the Mariposa Saloon in Sweetwater; I immediately recognized all the beats and motions (and “Paint it Black!”) and whammo, Armistice/Hanaryo hit me like a ton of bricks. I’ve always had a soft spot for stories where AU versions of a character meet, and of course the trope of falling in love with your own mirror image goes back to Narcissus. They know each other’s character perfectly; I’d love to see them discovering and exploring their physical and cultural differences. They could be working together, maybe plotting to escape Tanaka, or helping Maeve either in the context of the last few episodes, or in a future fic. Or even trying to navigate “settling down” together. Maybe they have a shooting contest or a wrestling match? Maybe they become an amazing and deadly team? For art, I’d love a piece that showcases their mirror natures and maybe their corresponding tattoos, or perhaps them each trying out the other’s weapon of choice? ETA: Feel free to AU the S2 ending, which I think is relatively ambiguous, or work with it for your story as you choose.

The Witcher: Ciri/Cerys (fic, art)

Ciri and Cerys are both smart and strong, and I think they'd make a great couple, though I bet sparks will fly when they disagree. I got the Witcher Ciri ending, and I supported Cerys for Queen of Skellige (and I fully admit that I actually cried during the coronation ceremony) but other outcomes would make interesting stories, too, and I think all combinations of outcome for both Ciri and Cerys have possibilities. Witcher Ciri takes on a contract to find the missing Queen Cerys? Empress Ciri on a state visit to Skellige? Ciri and Cerys having a friendly hunting competition? For art, I would adore seeing them in a hunting camp together: maybe Ciri's skinning a rabbit for dinner and Cerys is trying to distract her, or vice versa. Maybe them undressing each other from their royal attire. Or taking a shower together under a waterfall, or in a sauna. If Geralt's in the picture, I'm happy to have him with either Yennifer or Triss, or heck, Damien de la Tour, or almost anyone except for Geralt/Emhyr which is DNW for me. I'm okay with background Yennifer/Triss, too.

Crossovers: Breq (Imperial Radch)/Cheris (Machineries of Empire) (fic)

To be honest, I’m as fascinated with the idea of meshing the Imperial Radch and Machineries of Empires universes as I am with the idea of Breq/Cheris as a relationship. But it just seems to make so much sense to me! Especially considering Breq as having once been part of the larger consciousness of Justice of Toren, and Cheris as having had Jedao in her head - that’s an unusual thing to sort of have in common. (Or maybe it’s the opposite, one brain in multiple bodies vs one body with multiple brains?) Anyway, I’d be interested to read basically any take on this, either post-canon or during-canon for either series. (Or heck, pre-canon if you can swing it.)

Crossovers: Minerva McGonagall (Harry Potter)/Wynne (Dragon Age) (fic, art)

One thing I really like about this idea is that they’re both older women, so even if you decide to set this in their younger days, please don’t make them very young. Maybe they were lovers when they were younger and meet again and reminisce? Or maybe they meet as wise older witch-women. Perhaps one somehow ends up in the world of the other, gets in trouble, and the other one helps them out - and then they talk together and find they are kindred spirits. Art of them fighting a common foe would be awesome! Or just a quiet moment together in a hideaway.

Original works: Archaeologist Adventurer/Ghost from a Grave She's Found, Librarian/Library Ghost, Pirate/Ghost Pirate, Confused Gardener/Earth Goddess Who Is Flirting By Making Her Garden Grow Like Crazy, Dutiful Female City Guard/Female Thief Who Keeps Getting Caught, Dethroned and Dishonored Queen/Lone Loyal Female Knight, Bored Physics Prof who Built a Time Machine Last Week/Human Intergalactic Ambassador (fic, art)

I didn’t nominate any of these, but they all charmed me. If you nominated one because you wanted to write or draw it, or if any of these spark particular ideas in your head, write or draw whatever you’re inspired to create! Some additional ideas:

Ghost pairings: I love afterlife and ghost stories. Is the ghost someone the other character knew in life? Did the ghost come with the territory, e.g. “I’ll buy this ridiculously-cheap ship, I don’t care that it’s supposed to be haunted...”? Does the other character not believe in ghosts? Does the ghost want to be laid to rest, but the other character loves her and wants her to stay? (I actually love the bittersweet trope of the mortal person having to banish the ghost of her lover, with the hope of meeting her again in the afterlife.) Does the ghost flirt outrageously (and inappropriately) by haunting? Does “Boo!” mean “I love you” in ghost-language?

The gardener/goddess and guard/thief pairings are both basically outrageous flirting through inappropriate means, too! I have a soft spot for the desperate wooer doing anything she can to make the oblivious woo-ee notice her. (But she will notice her in the end, right?) I would particularly be entertained by art of the gardener being baffled at her giant vegetables and lush flowers, or by the thief in handcuffs playing footsie with the (blushing) guard.

I kind of see this dynamic with the queen/knight pairing, too, with the knight’s steadfast devotion eventually revealing itself as coming from her deep love for the queen.

As far as the physicist and intergalactic ambassador, basically I just love time travel, and also I love unexpected consequences, so in my mind these two things smush together to make this pairing.

I am neither bothered by nor particularly interested in age differences, but I tend to prefer older characters, and I’d like them all to be adults. I’m sorry that I don’t have any specific art prompts for most of these, since I’m only a writer and so original scenarios spark writing ideas in my brain, but I would totally be happy with art for any of them!

Crossposted from isis at Dreamwidth where there are
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festathons, dear writer

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