I have written two more ficlets for the Porn Battle:
Brideshead Revisited: Sebastian/Charles, prompt: claret, 230 words
In Vino Falsitas /
at Porn Battle on DreamwidthSebastian drinks, and imagines that it's Charles he's with.
A Song of Ice and Fire: Sansa Stark/Mya Stone, prompts: identity, smell, Winterfell; 1020 words, explicit
Stars Falling From the Sky /
at Porn Battle on Dreamwidth (though I should probably have posted it on Livejournal, because it's got zero comments, and it seems like the ASoIaF people are all posting on LJ rather than DW. On the other hand, it seems like a tight clique which I am not part of, so. Um, don't feel obliged to comment because I said this!)
Sansa has her reasons for not wishing to be married. Alayne has hers, as well.
So that's a total of three stories in three fandoms so far, one each het (sort of), slash, and femslash. Hmm, what shall I write next? *checks prompts*
I have also been reading! Yay! Among the Porn Battle ficlets, here are a few I particularly liked:
Kim Pine Vs. Robots and Stuff, Scott Pilgrim (2010), Kim Pine/Knives Chau, Makeout by
paranomasias. I do not know this fandom from a hole in the ground, but this made me grin like a loon from start to finish.
Oh, The Flame; Historical RPF; Eleanor of Aquitaine/Henry II; fire by
vega_ofthe_lyre. Angry and sexy and very Lion in Winter.
I am still reading whatever Eagle of the Ninth fic I can find, although I'm beginning to get pickier. And I just got the book, finally, so I'm gonna read that!) And other fandoms, too. Some stories I particularly enjoyed:
Ten Thousand Paces (6426 words) by
The Eagle | Eagle of the Ninth (2011)Mature, Marcus/Esca
Summary: Marcus wants Esca to be truly free, no matter what the cost may be for Marcus.
I liked this a lot; the plot has a bit of "this story would be over in a heartbeat if these men would just TALK to each other", but
destina is a talented writer, and it's got beautiful pacing and language.
A Long March (8281 words) by
The Eagle | Eagle of the Ninth (2011)General Audiences, Marcus/Esca
Summary: 'I'm to go to Rome,' Marcus said, when the messenger had been and gone, and Esca had brought Cub back into the house.
AAAAAHHHH! I have a new favorite writer!
songbird only has four stories currently, and they are all
the_eagle_kink fills, and I love the three I have read and am hoarding the fourth to read later because I can't imagine it's going to be anything other than incredible. This one is so far my favorite because it's more canon-based than the others (but! see below!) and it's just so filled with longing and love and amazing detail which makes everything come alive. I rec them all, even the one I haven't read yet! But I have to rec this one explicitly:
Belle Époque (10878 words) by
Downton Abbey,
The Eagle | Eagle of the Ninth (2011)General Audiences, Marcus/Esca
Summary: The new chauffeur is a most curious creature, Violet thinks, as he hands her out the motor-car with a quiet 'm'lady.' A stoic sort, she notes with approval, and in the privacy of her own mind she is quite inclined to admit him a rather handsome sort to boot.
Esca is the Dowager Countess's nephew, Marcus is the new Downton chauffeur. I don't normally go for the non-canon-era AUs, but I do love Downton Abbey, in all its ridiculous soap-opera glory, and Violet is such a fabulous character who gets all the best lines both in the show and in this fic. I am not sure this is nearly as much fun if you aren't familiar with the show. ETA: But it's perfectly readable if you don't know The Eagle.
Speaking of crossover-fusion thingies, I finally read
Chicago Magic series (which needs more parts, I'm just sayin') and I particularly liked the second story:
One Warm Line (4135 words) by
due South,
Dresden Files - Jim ButcherGeneral Audiences, gen, Ray Kowalski, Maeve (Lady of Winter)
Summary: Ray Kowalski meets the Winter Lady. And the Winter Lady meets Ray Kowalski.
I think this would be incomprehensible if you're not familiar with due South, and probably not really all that sensible if you haven't read at least enough of the Dresden books to have met Maeve, and probably everyone who knows both fandoms has read this already, but just in case you haven't, I liked it and you might, too! ETA 1)
bluemeridian assures me that she understood it just fine knowing only dS, and 2) I wanted to add that although this is the second story in a series, they stand totally alone. The first story is Ray Vecchio (and dead Pa) meet Johnny Marcone, and it is not a bad story, but to me this second one has more story to it, more depth and interest.
Also posted
on Dreamwidth where there are