...here is some grammar geek humor from McSweeeny's:
Seven Bar Jokes Involving Grammar and Punctuation. My favorites are #4 and #6, but the whole list makes me smile.
1. A comma splice walks into a bar, it has a drink and then leaves.
2. A dangling modifier walks into a bar. After finishing a drink, the bartender asks it to leave.
3. A question mark walks into a bar?
4. Two quotation marks “walk into” a bar.
5. A gerund and an infinitive walk into a bar, drinking to drink.
6. The bar was walked into by the passive voice.
7. Three intransitive verbs walk into a bar. They sit. They drink. They leave.
So! Speaking of English-y things! I am hard at work on my Yuletide story, which I love love love (as usual). But of course it is giving me fits, as well, which of course I am unable to talk about, because, duh, Yuletide: let us just say that I am well past the wordcount minimum, and the story's barely begun. Oog.
I would also like to remind my friends (by which I mean; anyone who reads this journal whose username I will likely recognize) that I am willing to beta-read your Yuletide story, even if it's in a fandom I don't know, provided it's not too long (like, under 3000 words). If it's longer than that, I'd probably want to have some familiarity with the source - but you can always ask by PM or email (isiscolo at gmail).
Also posted
on Dreamwidth where there are