random things make a post

Feb 15, 2010 17:51

I don't have a TV, so I am not caught up in Olympics madness. Alas. I tried watching a little on the NBC website, but the streaming has hiccups and I can't watch any of the full programs or realtime stuff since I don't have cable. Foo. Um, we have watched three episodes of White Collar now? And we Netflixed Beowulf and Grendel in which Sarah Polley had an inexplicable Canadian accent (in the context of the movie, that is) and a bad dye job on her dreads. The best thing about that movie was Iceland, which was pretty. The rest pretty much sucked.

The C6DVD master list is up, with in-character Valentine's Day cards in a dozen Canadian fandoms! \o/ Look for updates as the remaining cards and treats trickle in. I love running this challenge, because fandom creativity is just so awesome, and it's a delight to see what people have come up with. Except - as of yesterday there were two cards that hadn't arrived yet (one showed up today! yay), and I think it's what must have given me the terrible anxiety dream I had last night, which involved discovering that OMG, there were all these card posts over on AO3 I had totally forgotten about, and akamine_chan was furious with me because one of them was the post she had made, and she had been berating me and throwing things at me (not sure how that works over the net, but it did in my dream, and no, I have no idea why my subconscious picked her except that she lives physically closest to me of anybody in the exchange) and I was frantically typing to add the AO3 posts to the master list...and then I woke up.

I got fancy with my food processor yesterday and made (for the first time ever) tapenade! (Pretty much all I have used it for up to now has been hummus. I just bought it a couple of months ago.) More or less using this tapenade recipe except minus the capers (because I didn't have any, and my husband doesn't like them) and including the anchovies (because my husband loves them) and with not as many olives (because I used what I had, which wasn't 2 cups) and plus roasted red pepper (because I like roasted red pepper) and it was OM NOM NOM NOM. I had to laugh at the bit about keeping in a sterile jar for two weeks, because it took us two days to devour, and that was being restrained. (On pain de campagne with chevre and tomatoes. OM NOM NOM.)

Some links what have been amusing me lately, and I have forgotten who I got these from but it might have been you:

Kseniya Simonova's sand art performance
- YouTube link to a really stunning performance from Ukraine's Got Talent. Simonova draws a dynamic art-story of WWII on an illuminated sand table, with musical accompaniment. A couple sits on a bench, planes fly overhead, bombs are dropped, etc. Impressive as hell.

Scientist valentines. These made me giggle!

Along similar lines (in a sort of punnish, intellectual way), today's xkcd: Snow Tracking.

A Day in America According to a (Baffled) Foreigner
- a little too heavy on the Sting hate, but illuminates well the differences between the US and Everywhere Else (or at least, Commonwealth countries). Yes, sales tax is not included in the displayed prices, and I think that's stupid, too.

I have been working a lot, skiing a lot, running a lot. I have a couple of meta posts I really want to make, but I haven't had time to put them together yet. Soon, I promise hope.

Also posted on Dreamwidth where there are

dreams, food, viewing, cardathon, interesting pointers

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