L'Shana Tovah, y'all, and may it be a sweet one. For me it is literally the beginning of a new year as today I turned forty-mumble. My parents reminded me of this by emailing me this picture taken sometime in my first year of life:
I was actually going to post cat pictures rather than me pictures, but none of the ones I took yesterday of Kitty lurking behind the garden implements came out well at all, and she is refusing to pose today.
Thanks to all who wished me a happy birthday. Special shout-outs to
j_s_cavalcante who
bought me a virtual drink, and to my birthday twins
millefiori (wherever she is now) and
Tonight is our town's Gallery Walk: a bunch of art galleries stay open late and serve free apps and wine. B and I are getting together with friends to stroll the galleries, and usually we end up seeing lots of people we know. I may spend some of my birthday cash (my parents also sent me a nice sum, maybe to make up for the indignity of the photo) on some art.
Happy Friday, Happy New Year, and Happy My Birthday to you all. ♥♥♥
Also posted
on Dreamwidth where there are