oh noes, the slasher is coming!

Jul 23, 2009 14:52

This ad was in the newspaper this morning. It made me giggle out loud, and then get the camera:

Then I went for a lovely 10-mile trail run. I left the mp3 player at home, since I've only got 40 minutes to go on my current audiobook, and I figured it would be safer that way because the trail I chose is a popular mountain bike trail, and anyway, sometimes I really like just listening to the sounds of the world, especially on the trails. But I have been so earwormed by a (lovely, admittedly) song lately that I ended up listening to it in my head on repeat about fifty bazillion times. And now, you can too!

Jeana Leslie and Siobhan Miller - Saints and Sinners (On my server, please save-as)

Here are some remixredux09 recs. Oddly, most of these are in fandoms I'm not actually in. You should read these and comment because Remix fic frequently gets few comments. (Sigh.) Oh, and so far only one person has attempted to guess the story I wrote. Come on, wow me with your astonishing perceptive and deductive powers!

Counterpoint (Ecstasy, Fury, Revolution!) | Slings & Arrows, ensemble gen with a whiff of past Geoffrey/Darren, PG13, short story. Geoffrey and the others recall a production of Taming of the Shrew. Awesome structure, excellent voices. You can read the original before or after, or not at all, although this might be slightly easier to understand if you read the original first.

Cantando More (The Ode to Sheppard’s Cock Remix) | Stargate Atlantis, Sheppard/OMC, NC17, short story. Disclaimer: I know who wrote this. This hysterically funny story works best as a companion to the original, although read on its own, it's perfectly reasonable crack. An alien gives Sheppard a ceremonial blowjob; it's the POV of the alien OC that makes this story work. This is one of those "unreliable narrator who is in the dark about things that the reader knows" stories I so love.

Imperfect Contrition (the "Skeletons in the Closet" Remix) | X-men comicverse, ensemble gen with incidental Jean/Scott, R, novelette, noir AU (with other AU elements). I recommend reading this before the original (or actually, rather than the original...). I'm not in this fandom, although I read the X-Men comics back in the day, but oh, what a fabulous AU. (And if you don't know the X-Men comics, this reads beautifully as original fic, I suspect.) The noir tone is terrific, and the plot moves along just right, and the ending is totally perfect. If you read only one of these stories, make it this one.

Not Proper (Chinese Boxes remix) | Peter Pan, George Darling/Captain Hook, R, short story. I love the storytelling frame of this, and the melancholy and wistful tone as George revisits his childhood. Sort of. Beautifully written, and stands alone just fine.

Spare Parts (the Coincidences Happen Twice Remix) | Supernatural/Firefly, Dean/Kaylee, PG, short story. This is more of a sequel than a remix, but as such stands alone. I know Firefly (and Serenity - this is set post-movie) although I'm not in the fandom, but all I know about Supernatural I learned through fannish osmosis; still, this is perfectly understandable - and perfectly adorable.

recs:other, s&a, sga, recs:sga, recs, upload, remix, running, music

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