writing rambling

Jun 11, 2009 13:53

The story I have been working on is in beta. I am still kind of ridiculously in love with it, because the flaws haven't yet been pointed out to me and it is as perfect as a new boyfriend or a shiny toy. I am always boggled when people claim to hate their own just-posted stories. I always think the most recent thing I have written is the best thing in the universe, at least for a while.

I do not find myself inspired by any of the Porn Battle prompts except my own, and those only in a sort of vague way, perhaps because I just used up my porn on the above story. I might poke at one of them. I dunno. But I've been enjoying reading them - at least the ones in fandoms I know. I have left comments all over the place. And I have a couple of recs:

Transubstantiation by
athousandwinds | Brideshead Revisited, Charles/Sebastian, NC17, ficlet. Charles gets drunk with Sebastian, and falls. Fabulously in-character and with the feel of genuine Waugh. And the fact that I am, of course, picturing the young Jeremy Irons and Anthony Andrews as they were in the miniseries doesn't hurt.

Shafted by sionnain | due South, Ray/Ray, NC17, short story. Kowalski and Vecchio get stuck in an elevator. I've found it hard to read Ray/Ray lately, because one Ray is always Ray and the other is Kowalski or Vecchio, which irritates and confuses me. But this story is in first person, and that neatly sidesteps the problem - plus, when POV-Ray thinks of himself, it is as 'Vecchio', and Kowalski calls him Vecchio, and, I dunno, it just works for me. Plus, slyly funny and hot like burning.

(These are just the ones that I think, oh, people, you should go read these NOW! Lots of the Porn Battle ficlets are well worth reading, though.)

Next week the remixthedrabble stories go live! (Let's see how that codes.) I am v. v. excited as to both the reception of my drabbles and to see what people have done with my stories. I have written four drabbles in three fandoms, all of which I have written in before. I think they all scream "ISIS WROTE ME!" but I always think this.

Finally, I am delighted to see that bitchinparty will be happening again, but alas, I cannot attend. The next weekend is the Boston Marathon, which I shall be running with revbiscuit \o/ and trying to make both would involve too much $$ and too much jetlag. But, you all go! Have a good time! Don't mind me sobbing quietly in the corner.

festathons, gatherings, recs:other, due south, recs, recs:due south, running, writing

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