remixthedrabble is open for signups! You can
offer your stories to be remixed, or you can
sign up to remix others' stories, or both, and best of all (well, for a structure-freak like me) this is a strict drabble round - all remixes must be 100 words exactly. Which is awesome. Although I suspect I will think it considerably less awesome while I'm trying to excise superfluous words.
And, just to confirm the rumors: yes,
iamsab and I are planning a "Remix the Remix" challenge in late summer, after the various remix challenges which are running now/soon are over. It will be nonreciprocal like
remixthedrabble, and if you do chose to offer your stories there will be no minimum - any remixes you have written can be tossed into the pot. More plans to be formulated as we get closer to actually doing it.
I'm writing again, and am I writing any of the critical WsIP I swore I was going to finish before starting anything else? (Okay, you can stop laughing hysterically at me now. Some friends you are.) Of course not. Actually, I am finishing a WIP, but it is one that maybe three of you will be interested in, and I will need to run it by someone else before posting because she actually wrote about half of it, and it's starting to look a lot more like original fic than even related to the source anyway; and by that, you may have figured out that I am talking about the Silverado fic I muttered about way back in, oh, probably 2005.
It's kind of weird, actually, how this happened. I am reading a pro Age of Sail book billed as an m/m romance, and - well, it is a romance, a bodice breeches-ripper, and as it turns out, that's not my kind of thing, apparently. I like my men quite decidedly manly (which is not a criticism of the book, but an acknowedgement of the gap between the book's intentions and my expectations), and it occurred to me that if I were to try my hand at this sort of story, I might write something cowboy-ish set in the Old West, and idly I considered several possible scenarios; and then it occurred to me that I already had written - or at least, co-written - most of one with
fabularasa, and I pulled it up on my screen, and, hey, this doesn't suck too bad.
And then I wrote another 1600 words on it, and realized what was going to happen and how it was going to end (and Fab, if you're reading this, it's basically what we talked about ages ago) and this story is happening in my head and I guess it wants me to write it. So I'm writing it.
In other news, this is a crosspost between Dreamwidth and LiveJournal, and I am happy neither with the DW xposter (I can't enter a not-on-DW community name into the rich text editor) nor with Semagic (no tags on DW, and old-style journal tags) but for now I am using Semagic. You may comment where you like. Especially if you plan to tell me you'd read a Silverado story.