meanwhile, back in New Burbage

Apr 15, 2009 14:35

To celebrate (heh) sending my Richard vid off to the betas (My Richard vid! My squee cannot be contained, guys! I started this thing in August 2007 and gave it up in disgust when I realized I needed to re-rip all the clips from source. But once I picked it up again I became totally obsessed and worked like a demon on it. And I can't stop replaying it, I love it so much. This is probably an embarrassing admission. But seriously, I cannot wait to show you all! ) I methodically went through the c6d_weekly archive and added all the S&A and Wilby Wonderful fic to Slings and Arrows Links and Wilbylinks respectively back to the last time I had updated them, which was, um, last September.

So! I missed a lot of stuff, clearly, and I didn't read it all but I read some of them, and I wanted to make sure you didn't miss these in particular, because they are very yay. Both pre-series and so no real spoilers other than bits of S1.

Come Ruin or Rapture by Atra (atrata) | Geoffrey/Ellen, R, short story. Ellen returns to New Burbage, gets coaxed into doing Romeo and Juliet, and meets Geoffrey. What makes this work for me is the level of detail; it's not just about the characters' interactions, it is about their lives, and it all rings true, from the theatrical to the mundane. Ellen is totally spot on, and Geoffrey and Oliver ain't bad either - I could hear them in my head while reading.

Better a Fallen Rocket by Epigone (likethesun2) | Geoffrey gen (as per the author; I read it as implied Geoffrey/Ellen), PG, novelette. Geoffrey's madness from the inside out. In this case, his madness is directing Tom Stoppard's The Invention of Love, and if I knew this play, I am sure I would have gotten even more out of this story. As it is, there are all sorts of wonderful wry bits of metaphor and in-joke that even a dullard like me noticed. I thought it particularly brilliant to use Cheryl, the stage manager from Theatre Sans Argent in the first episode, as the grounding center of reality here.

I really want to re-watch the whole series now.

recs:other, recs, s&a, wilby, vidding, interesting pointers

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